The Legend: Chapter 76 - Inner Demons

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Link's P.O.V

It had been nearly a week since I had left Castle Town. I now lingered within the forest of the Lost Woods where Zelda and I had once traveled. Music gently lingered in the air as I wandered within the wood's maze. There had to be a way to bring Zelda back, and something told me these woods held the key. I reached a clearing where Skull Kid sat on a tree stump playing his music. "Hey!" I shouted. The little guy quickly jumped up and turned around towards me. He angrily threw rocks at me as he shouted incoherent words. "Hey stop it! I didn't mean to scare you! Look I need your help." I tried as I dodged the rocks he threw at me. Suddenly the attack seized. I looked up to see that Skull Kid was right in front of me. "Can you help me find the temple again?" I asked. Skull Kid nodded his head yes as he looked either side of me and behind me with his eyes. He appeared to be looking for someone. "She isn't here." I sighed with pain etched on my voice. 'She' was Zelda of course. Skull Kid then swung his lantern me to get my attention. He pointed forward into a dark tunnel. "That way?" I asked. He nodded his head yes and ran into the tunnel using the light of his lantern to guide the way. I followed him until we reached an unfamiliar area. These woods were forever changing. It was a magical place that no one knew except for Skull Kid. Before us was a stone structure. It was crumbled and covered with even more plant life than I remembered. The temple had changed just as I had did. I unsheathed my sword and opened the door. Skull Kid started making sounds to indicate that I shouldn't enter. "Relax, I will be fine. You can wait out here if you like." I suggested. Skull Kid nodded his head and stood before the door almost like a guard. I entered the temple. I walked the stairs as I did before until I made it to the main room.  Before the temple was flooded and there was water up to my knees, but now it was completely dry. The tattered banners still hung in place and the stained glass windows flooded the room with colorful light just like the temple where Zelda was buried in. The writing on the wall remained as did the markings of the Triforce on the floor. I followed the golden triangles until I reached a stone altar. I circled the stone structure until I spotted something. There was a block missing in the center of the altar. Within the hole there was a hole that resembled a lock of some sort. "There must be a key." I thought to myself.  I began to look around but I saw nothing that resembled the lock's keyhole. In frustration I swung my sword at the altar which in turn caused a spark. I stepped back to compose myself only to realize that the keyhole was the same shape as the Master Sword. I stepped forward and gently shoved the sword into the opening. It slid perfectly in and fitted against the purple handle. Once the sword was in place the handle sparked and began to glow. The sword then turned slowly on its own to turn the lock. The altar opened like a door as the block scraped against the concrete floor.  As the slab opened a cloud of dust busted out of the opening. I jumped back in response and shielded my eyes in attempt to keep my vision clear.  As I looked up the door was completely ajar. Beyond the door was a set on stairs that spiraled down below ground. I had no idea where these stairs led to but something told me that the solution to all my problems was deep  below. As I traveled deeper downward the temperature seemed to decrease greatly. I shivered involuntarily as I saw the heat of my breath in front of me. While bracing the cold I met with a large door. It was unlocked and undisturbed, which seemed all too suspicious. I pushed the door open and entered a new room. The doors quickly shut behind me and a large metal gate came crashing down blocking the only visible way out which was the same I had come in. Quickly I unsheathed my sword and prepared for the oncoming battle. The room was overall empty and there was no sign of any evil. I put away the Master Sword and wandered the room scanning for anything I had over looked. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. "I don't have time for this!" I shouted in frustration as I pounded my hand on the closest wall. As I swung my fist at the bricks I expected to meet with some sort of pain but I felt nothing. In fact I didn't feel any sort of contact. I stared at the placement of my hand and saw that my hand had gone through the wall. It was some sort of an illusion. There was no wall there to begin with. The room was enchanted. I sighed in relief and walked right through the wall into another room. The room was so bright at first that I had to keep my eyes shut but once they adjusted I viewed the area. It was vast and had no dimensions. There was no ceiling, no walls, no end to the nothingness. It was almost as if I was no longer in the temple but in another dimension.  I took a step forward which in turn caused the floor to ripple like water. I stared down at my feet and saw the water pool around my feet. I glanced at my reflection and what I saw was not me. I jumped back in surprise. The reflection was similar to me but it wasn't truly me. Slowly the reflection formed a dimension until it was as real as me or anyone else. But the figure before me held no emotion.It was solid black like a shadow and was somewhat transparent. It almost seemed soulless. There was no spark in its red eyes, it seemed unfazed by my presence. "Hello?" I coughed. The figure turned its head toward me in acknowledgement. It looked me up and down. It seemed to be registering or studying me. "What are you?" I questioned under my breath. "I'm you." It stated. I shot my head up and focused on the shadow. The figure began to condense and take a shape. In a few moments the shadow was an exact copy of me. I quickly unsheathed my sword and readied myself. The shadow mimicked me and began to circle me. "Where am I?" I questioned. "In between." It answered. I wiggled my shield so it rested on my forearm. "You think this isn't real?" The shadow assumed. "It wouldn't  surprise me if it was." I stated.  "I assure you this is very real." It chuckled as it lunged forward with it's sword towards me. I side stepped and avoid the attack, but just when I thought I was free to turn into the swing the shadow was already there and it was more than prepared to block my attack. Our blades grinder against one another until I pulled out of the chance. "She would still have been alive if it weren't for you." It mocked. A wave of anger came over me and I charged without second thought. "Shut up!" I exclaimed as I swung violently at the shadow. It avoided each attempt I made. It was fast and I struggled to keep up. "She was the one who deserved to live! Not you!" It pestered. My heart lurched in my chest and I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes.  The shadow then suddenly advanced and so I was knocked backwards and my sword fell from my hands and scattered away. I turned over onto my stomach and made an attempt to crawl towards my sword but the shadow grabbed me harshly and turned me over onto my back. It punched me repeatingly until one of my eyes were swollen shut and the taste of blood was vibrant in my mouth. My head was spinning and I could hardly focus. "You let the one thing you loved die! You might as well have been the one who killed her." It jabbed. Suddenly I felt the weight of guilt overwhelm me. The shadow spoke the truth. It was my fault. Zelda died because of me. "You promised her you'd keep her safe and you couldn't even do that!" It shouted as it kicked me in the ribs. I cried out in pain as I held my side in hopes for some sort of relief.  "You're no hero. You're weak." It barked.  This shadow knew everything and was stronger than any other opponent I had yet faced. "Master Link has portrayed courage, power, and most of al wisdom in protecting this kingdom from the most malevolent forces ever seen. His heat is true and I know he will be the King this kingdom deserves. He will be a just and noble leader, and the people of Hyrule will love him as much as I do."  Zelda loved me. She hid her feelings in hope to spare me the heart ache. She was protecting me. When all this time I thought I had been protecting her. She gave up her life to save me. Zelda was selfless and what she did was truly heroic. Suddenly a second wind hit me and I was able to get back on my feet. I scooped up my sword and faced the shadow. "I admit my faults, but killing Zelda was not my doing. Her life had always been in her hands not mine. She was free and able to make that choice. I love her with my whole heart and soul, and I know Zelda would never forgive me if I remained thinking I could have saved her. She wouldn't want me to be guilty. Zelda would want me to be happy and forgive myself!" I exclaimed as I attack. Quickly I made jabs and rolled away to avoid being hit. Each time my sword came into contact with the shadow's being it's surface began to burn off and sear out towards the opposite ends of the figure until it was gone. Once the shadow was defeated I fell to my knees and the scene around me changed. I returned to temple where a chest laid before me. I struggled towards the chest and opened it. Within was two masks of some sort. One was a light blue and etched with white markings while the other was white with blue and green lines painted strangely.  I turned over the masks in my hands to see what the face side portrayed. Both masks respectably read: "The Resurrection Mask" and " The Fierce Deity Mask".

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