The Legend: Chapter 50 - Din's Fire & The Prince of the Zoras

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Zelda’s P.O.V

I remained on the bank as Link climbed up the mountain to meet the Great Fairy. “Ronin can you go and retrieve Impa for me?” I asked. Ronin nodded his head yes and turned to walk back to the village. “You’re going to be just fine.” I promised as I looked down beneath the ice at the Zoras trapped below. “Who could have done this?” I asked myself. “You know very well who did this.” Impa said from behind me. I turned to see that Ronin had returned with her. “That was fast.” I laughed. “I was already on my way, for I feared that you would stray too far.” She explained. “Right.” I sighed as I returned my attention to the frozen river. “Ganondorf is trying to cripple any possible assets to us.” Impa stated. “He can’t be assuming that a rebellion is forming.” I cried.  “He knew that a rebellion would form the moment he found out that you had escaped. He tried to convince Hyrule that you two were in love and to be married. But you were kidnapped during the attack on Castle Town, so he took it upon himself to take the throne during your absence.” Impa explained. “So Hyrule thinks I’m long gone, and they are content with a tyrant as their king!” I exclaimed. “No they saw right through his lies the moment the other races were informed of your survival.” Impa stated. “But they must have thought that my kidnapper was a Gerudo.” I added. “They did until I told them of the truth.” Impa chuckled. “You’ve talked to the Gorons?” I asked. “Yes but I fear that something is wrong on Death Mountain. I haven’t received any word from the tribe leader in weeks.” She sighed. “Do you think Ganondorf has done something to them?” I inquired. “I pray not, but I fear it to be true considering the Zoras are trapped under the ice.” Impa answered. “Do not fret Princess, everything will be alright.” Impa comforted. “How do you know that?” I questioned. “I don’t.” Impa responded. “But I have hope, as should you Zelda.” Impa explained. “Right, I need to have hope.” I whispered to myself. “Look!” Ronin exclaimed as he pointed towards the cliff above us. It was Link walking back empty handed. “Link!” I shouted. Gingerly Link climbed down from the ledge and walked towards us. As Link passed Impa she gave him a slight nod and he nodded in return. “Where are your bandages?” Ronin asked. “I don’t need them anymore; the Great Fairy healed me while I was up there.” Link explained. “She did?” I asked. “Yep, and she gave me something to melt the ice.” Link stated proudly. “Really?! What?” I exclaimed. Link reached into his pocket and pulled out a large red stone. “She called it Din’s Fire.” Link explained. He walked over to me and placed in in my hands. It was warm to the touch. “It’s warm.” I giggled. “Yep, it should be able to get the Zoras out of there, shall we try it?” Link questioned. I nodded my head yes and handed it back to him. Link then walked towards the ice with the stone in his hand. He raised the stone above his head towards the sky, and then slammed it against the ice. The stone made a crackling sound like a growing fire burning. Suddenly a bright red light burst from the stone causing the ice to melt. The sound of rushing water echoed throughout the cavern. I raced towards the bank to see that the ice was completely gone. Zoras climbed towards the bank and left the water. I offered one of them my hand and helped them on to the back. Impa, Ronin, and Link came over and helped the others out of the water. “Thank you.” One of them thanked. I bowed my head and smiled. “Don’t thank me, thank him.” I stated as I gestured towards Link. He straightened as the Zoras crowded him and thanked him personally. “It was my pleasure.” Link chuckled as he shook hands with a Zora. “Princess Zelda?” A voice asked. I turned to see it was a young Zora boy. “Well hello there.” I greeted as I bent down toward his eye level. The small Zora child lowered his head and bowed. “Hello my majesty, I am Prince Ralis.” I stated. “Prince Ralis!” I exclaimed. I pulled the young boy into a hug. “My goodness you’ve grown so much since the last time I’ve seen you!” I stated. “As have you, my princess.” He commented formally. I released him and guided him towards his people. “Prince Ralis!” One of the Zoras shouted as he ran to his side. “Are you all right?” the Zora asked of his Prince. “Yes, I am well.” Ralis answered. “Are you the one who released us from the ice?” Ralis questioned as he pointed towards Link. He nodded his head yes. The Prince then bowed to Link. “I thank you for your assistance; may I ask your name young hero?” He asked. “My name is Link.” He stated proudly. “Your highness, he wields the Master Sword.” A Zora guard whispered to him. Ralis looked Link up and down then to his hand. He held the sword firmly. “It was trapped in the ice with you all.” I explained. “But was it in his possession before?” Ralis asked. “Yes, I traveled with his to the Temple of Time to retrieve it.” I explained to the Prince. “Then he is your chosen hero?” He inquired. Link looked to me questioningly. “Yes.” I answered. “Then there is hope!” Ralis shouted. All of the other Zoras cheered as their Prince rejoiced. Link made his way to me slowly. “Princess Zelda there is something you should know.” Ralis stated. “What is it?” I asked. “Ganondorf was responsible for our imprisonment.” He answered. “That much we could figure out.” Link chuckled. I nudged him sharply with my elbow. “Be polite.” I whispered sharply to him. “Ganondorf is responsible for the murder of my Father and the destruction of Castle Town as well.” I stated. “I’m sorry for your loss Princess, he was a great King.” Ralis tried. “Thank you Ralis.” I commented. Link placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I looked to him to see that his eyes were filled with concern. “I’m fine.” I mouthed to him.  “Prince Ralis.” Impa called as she appeared beside him. She handed him a small parchment. “What is this?” He asked her. “Everything you need to know is in the letter, after you read it you must burn it, understand?” Impa explained quickly. Prince Ralis nodded his head yes before stuffing the letter into a small satchel he had over his shoulder. “I must take my leave now Zelda.” Ralis stated with a slight bow. “Safe travels Prince Ralis.” I said with a curtsy of my own. Link also bowed and said his goodbyes to the Prince. “Link Thank you again for saving myself and my people.” Ralis thanked. “It wasn’t a problem at all.” Link stated. “Keep her safe Link.” Ralis demanded. “I promise.” I heard Link say. Ralis smiled and bowed once more to Link and I. “Goodbye for now!” He exclaimed before jumping back into the water with the rest of his subjects.

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