The Legend: Chapter 56 - It still isn't worth it

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Link’s P.O.V

Each word I shouted at her pained me in more ways than any weapon ever could. “I’m so sorry Zelda.” I thought to myself as she exited the room probably in tears and slammed the door behind her. I couldn’t tell her that it was out of pure stubbornness that I wouldn’t let her heal me. Something told me that she needed her strength. Of course I don’t want to die, but I couldn’t let her save me from this. I knew the power that she draws from her Triforce weakens her. Each time I had seen her use it she seemed to get even weaker with each attempt. There is something far more darker coming. What her and I have had gone through already is nothing in comparison to what is coming. War is coming; there will be so much death. She must be prepared to fight and go on without me. Suddenly I took a moment to think about Zelda in the future. I could see her being a beautiful Queen loved by all of those in Hyrule. She would be wise beyond her years and caring. Her rule would be peaceful and prosperous. For some reason I didn’t not picture her with a King to rule by her side. I saw her solitary. Perhaps it was because I always pictured myself by her side, but never as King.  “Link how are you feeling?” Gordo’s wife asked me as she sat on the bed beside me. “Horrible.” I grumbled. “Well you did just get in a fight with your lover.” Ronin teased. I scoffed at him and pulled the covers over my head in embarrassment.  “Ronin can you go check on Zelda?” Impa suggested. “I think that would be for the best.” Ronin chuckled as he left the room. Once he left Gordo’s wife ripped the covers off of me and examined my wound. My shoulder was still bleeding because the poison was preventing my blood from clotting. She redressed the wound and dabbed my forehead with the same rag Zelda used. “Have you received any new symptoms?” She asked me. “I feel so tired.” I groaned. “Okay anything else?” She questioned. I nodded my head slowly as I closed my eyes. I felt so tired for no reason. I had slept a full night’s sleep but my energy was so drained that I had to fight to keep my eyes open. “What else Link?” She demanded. “I was coughing up blood, and….” I trailed. I couldn’t finish. I could feel myself fading. “Is this what death felt like?” I asked myself. “Coughing  up blood huh? That sounds like Ricin.” She explained. “Ricin?” Impa inquired. “Yes it is a dangerous plant normally used for oil; it is highly toxic seeds can cause the victim to cough up blood. Most poisons kill the victim quickly Link has been holding out for a while now. “   She explained. “Is there a cure?” Impa asked. “Unfortunate, there is not an antidote. And he didn’t eat the plant so we can’t just make him throw it up. It is in his blood system.” She added. “So what do we do?” Impa asked. “We are going to have to completely disinfect his wound and flush the poison out of his blood stream.” She explained. “I will need Laura can you fetch her for me?” She asked Impa. “Of course.” Impa stated as she exited the room. “Don’t worry Link you’re going to be alright.” She cooed. “Am I?” I inquired. “Absolutely! You are in good hands young hero.” She chuckled. I attempted to sit up but struggled slightly. “Lie down Link. You need to save your energy.” She demanded as she guided me back down to a laying position. The door opened again to reveal both Laura and Lady Impa. “Hi Laura.” I murmured. She smiled softly as she sat beside her mother. “Sweet heart I need you to help me disinfect his wound.” Gordo’s Wife instructed. Laura of course was more than up for the task. I was told to roll over s I could lie on my stomach and to take of my shirt, which I did. I could feel my bandages being peeled off causing my wound to sting from the air. I groaned in pain. “Dab it with this.” Gordo’s wife demanded. Suddenly I felt a wet cloth press gently against my shoulder where my wound bled out. I took a sharp intake of breath as the wet cloth caused it to sting even more. “Try not to tense up Link. You need to try to relax. We know it hurts.” Laura stated as she dabbed my wound. “I’ll try.” I stated through clenched teeth. I heard the sound of bottles clattering and then more pain in my shoulder as another liquid was poured onto it. I cried out but quickly bit my tongue. “Okay Link we are about to put a disinfectant on your wound. It’s going to hurt. Brace yourself.” Laura explained. I grabbed the bedposts in attempt to steady myself and to prepare myself for the oncoming pain. Laura had been right the moment the disinfectant came into contact with my skin, it burned. It wasn’t like a slight burn that itched. It was felt like lava from inside Death Mountain had splashed up and landed on my shoulder. My whole body tensed as a wave of searing pain washed over it. “Just remember it still isn’t worth it.” I thought to myself. This pain was felt because I didn’t not let Zelda heal me. I felt no regret as I became weaker and weaker from tensing because of the pain. “Zelda must live.” I told myself. “Not me.” I added shortly. This continued for what seemed like eternity. Different potions and medicines were poured and pressed into my wound; each with different sensations, some worse than others. I had given up on holding in my cries and soon I lied face down in my bed with my face pressed into my tear stained pillow. “Zelda…” I trailed. “Don’t worry hero, she will forgive you.” Lady Impa comforted as Laura and Gordo’s Wife sewed up the wound. The whole experience had been painful but I still felt no regret for my choices. I honestly felt somewhat stronger once they had finished up. I didn’t feel as ill as I had been. I was still fatigued but my fever had vanished and my body temperature returned to normal. Eventually I let sleep take me. I was so tired I didn’t even care if it was death that was taking me rather than sleep. How could I know the difference? But I let it take me none the less.

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