The Legend: Chapter 49 - The Great Fairy's Fountain

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Link’s P.O.V

I hurried up the side of the mountain even though it pained me so. My wounds were still sore but I ignored it. My sides screamed in protest until I reached the path towards the Death Mountain. “This way Blondie!” Navi exclaimed as she flew towards a ledge above me. “It’s Link.” I huffed in annoyance. “Whatever.” Navi huffed back. I reached for the ledge and pulled myself up. “This way!” Navi shouted as she flew between to walls of rock. It was rather narrow so I had to walk sideways in order to fit through. It began to get thinner and thinner but thankfully not thin enough so I couldn’t get through. “C’mon slow poke.” Navi huffed. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” I stated as I squeezed through the wall of rock and made it out into the open again. Before me was a steep slope that seemed almost impossible to climb. “Up here!” Navi exclaimed as she floated towards a ledge. I grabbed a hold of it but couldn’t seem to find another ledge to get a hold of. “Over here Blondie!” Navi shouted as she flew towards another ledge. I gripped ahold of that ledge and searched for another ledge. “Are you blind its right here?” The fairy exclaimed as she floated over the last ledge. I grabbed it and pulled myself over the last remaining ledge. I rolled over on to my back and panted. My sides were burning, and my head was spinning. “We’re almost there kid!” Navi pushed. I got back on my feet and assured myself to go on. “Look out!” Navi warned. Suddenly a large boulder was rolling towards me. I dived to the side and the boulder rolled past me only inches away from flattening me. “That was close!” Navi exclaimed. “We better keep an eye out for those.” She stated. “Look out!” She warned again as another boulder was rolling towards me with great speed. I did the same thing and dived out of the way. “Link up here!” Navi shouted. I looked up to see that she had found another ledge. I ran to it and grabbed on. I pulled myself over the edge evading the boulder that had just past. I looked over the edge to see that we had climbed a long way. Below I could see Karikko village and Castle town. In the distance I could see Faron and Eldin woods, and even the great Gerudo desert. “Let’s move pretty boy!” Navi demanded. We walked a little longer until we reached a dark cave. Navi flew directly inside without any hesitation. I hesitated slightly; I was about to go inside a place unarmed, let’s just say I didn’t feel very comfortable about it. “C’mon you sissy!” Navi called inside from the cave. I walked inside and followed her down the dark cave. We reached a large door with no handle at the end of the cave. “How do we get in there’s no handle?” I asked. “Just watch.” Navi stated as she flew towards it. The fairy sang a familiar tune and the doors opened. “I recognize that tune.” I stated. “You should your ancestor composed it.” Navi laughed as she went through the now open doors. Inside was a fountain. The fountain was carved out of what seemed like marble. Small waterfalls from the ceiling poured into the still fountain where numerous fairies floated about. “Which one is the Great Fairy?” I asked Navi. “None of them.” She answered. “What?” I inquired. “You have to summon her.” Navi explained. “How?” I questioned. “Stand on the Triforce in the middle of the fountain and hum the same tune I sang to open the doors.” Navi explained. I stepped into the fountain gingerly. The moment the cool water contacted my skin I felt a calming sensation, almost as if I was at peace. I walked towards the Triforce symbol in the middle of the fountain. Once I reached it I hummed the familiar tune and waited. Almost instantly after I finished humming laughter filled the room and a giant fairy appeared out of nowhere. She had unnatural pink hair and no clothes on, only vines and leaves covered her. “I’ve been waiting for you great hero.” The Great Fairy’s voice stated as she floated in place. I bowed slightly before speaking. “I’ve been told that you can help me.” I stated. “You’ve been informed correctly then.” She laughed. “My sword is incased in ice, along with all of the Zoras.” I explained. “Can you help me free them both?” I asked. “You need only to ask young hero.” She stated as she waved her hands in a conjuring motion. Suddenly a small red stone appeared in front her which she then handed to me. “This is Din’s fire it has the power to melt anything. Try it on the frozen river. It can also be used in battle. This is one of the many gifts left for the Goddesses hero. If battle makes you weary than just come to me and I will be of service.” She explained. “Thank you.” I stated as I slipped the stone in my pocket. “Your wounds will not heal if you continue to strain yourself.” The Great Fairy warned. “I know but I have much to do and have not enough time to heal.” I explained. “Let me tend to your wounds.” She stated as she waved her hands causing the water from the fountain to rise and splash me causing me to become soaking wet. “Uh thanks.” I sighed. “Those were healing waters, young one.” She laughed. “Oh so my injuries are all healed?” I asked. “Yes, no go retrieve your sword and save the Zora people.” The Great Fairy instructed. “Yes Ma’am.” I stated with a slight bow before I exited the cave and made my way back to Zelda.

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