The Legend: Chapter 65 - Mourning a Friend

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Link’s P.O.V

It was clear that something holy had just happened to Zelda. Almost exactly like before in the forest her eyes had lit up with a bright light before she fell off of Epona. Luckily I had caught her before she hit the ground hard; unfortunately I injured myself in the process. We were just outside of the village now and Death Mountain was in sight. I was almost relieved at the sight of the dangerous mountain until I spotted smoke rising from the village. “What is that?” Zelda asked from behind me on the saddle as she pointed towards the smoke. “It looks like a fire, we better hurry.” I suggested. I kicked Epona in the ribs to indicate to go faster while I gripped the reigns and leaned forward. Zelda held on to me tightly as we entered the front gate of the village only to see destruction. It was as bad as the damage in Castle Town but it was still traumatizing. Windows and doors were broken down, while small fires were scattered about burning strongly. I dismounted and helped Zelda down. Epona neighed in response before taking off again. Epona was a good horse and was free to go where she pleased, she always came back anyways. Zelda hurried over to the small well in the center of the village and grabbed a bucket full of water. She tossed the water over some of the small fires and put them out. No one was in sight which made me nervous. I armed myself with me sword and shield and quietly walked over towards Zelda. “Where is everyone?” Zelda asked. I shrugged unknowingly. After the fires were put out we made our way towards Impa’s house. The door was busted open and the windows were trashed. Inside the furniture was pushed over and fabrics inside were ripped. “I think there was a raid.” I sighed sadly. Zelda pushed past me and wandered deep within the house. “Zelda wait!” I called as I ran after her. I found Zelda in one of the bedrooms. She was still with her hands cupped over her mouth. “Zelda? What is it?” I asked as I appeared by her side.  As I came to her side I saw exactly what was wrong. It was Impa. The Lady Sheikah was on the floor covered in blood. I ran to her and knelt beside her head. Carefully I checked for a pulse but there was nothing. Impa was dead. Zelda fell to her knees and cried. Her painful sobs hurt me so. I knew exactly how close she was to Impa. She was Zelda’s mentor, and possibly the closest thing to a mother that she had. I hugged Zelda and let my sword and shield clatter to the floor. She cried hard until her eyes ran dry, and even then I knew it still wasn’t enough. “What happened?” Zelda sniffled as she pulled away from me. “It looks like a raid. I’m guessing it was the Gerudos looking for us.” I answered. “So it’s my fault.” Zelda cried. “No! Knowing Lady Impa, she probably stayed and fought in order to save everyone else. She was a hero.” I corrected. Zelda then wandered over to Impa’s body. She leaned forward and kissed Impa on the forehead before closing her eyes. A Gerudo sword protruded from the Sheikah’s chest, while an arrow broke through her leg. Carefully Zelda pulled them both out and cleaned the blood from her friend’s body. I watched as Zelda prepared Impa for a burial. It was all silent until Zelda began to sing. I brought her a wash basin and cloth to help while I listened to her beautiful voice. Softly Zelda sung a tune. It was meaningful in the eyes of Zelda for she sang it until Impa was buried in the village’s graveyard beside all of her other Shiekah relatives. Before I knew it the sun was already down and the stars were out. Not shortly after the burial menacing clouds rolled in. It rained all through the evening. “We should get inside.” I suggested. We were inside the graveyard standing in front of Impa’s grave. Zelda was mourning as was I, her more so then I. Yes I respected the woman greatly but never did I have the same connection with her as Zelda did. I watched as Zelda laid flowers beside Impa’s tombstone before turning to me. “Let’s go.” She sniffled. I followed behind her out of the graveyard and into one of the abandoned houses. The village was completely empty and no one was in sight. Zelda remained silent for hours until we sat together in front of a fire place in one of the empty houses we had decided to reside in. “Do you think she suffered?” Zelda suddenly asked. “No, I think she knew exactly what she was doing and what the outcome would be in the end.” I answered. Zelda was warming her hands slowly near the fire while I sat back in one of the kitchen chairs. “Impa was the bravest person I ever knew….That is until I met you.” Zelda sighed. I kicked off my boots and leaned back in the chair with my hands behind my head as I listened to her. “I’m not all that brave.” I chuckled. “She was modest just like you too.” Zelda laughed sadly.  “She was gentle, and kind. Impa understood me. She knew the heavy burdens I carried and she protected me. “ Zelda explained. She shortly paused and then began again. “I never really knew my mother all that well. I knew that she loved me but her duties as Queen always got in the way of being my mother, so she got Impa. Lady Impa was her new title. The Sheikah had sworn and oath to the Royal Family. They were destined to protect and serve my family forever. Impa raised me to who I am now, and I loved her. She was practically my mother.” Zelda cried. I watched as Zelda buried her face in her crossed arms that leaned on her knees that were just brought close to her chest. I knew this pain all too well. Both my parents were ripped away from me. I knew how it felt. Slowly I left my chair and scooped her up in my arms. Her sobbing seized eventually and her tears dried as I held her for a while. Neither one of us said anything for a long time. It wasn’t until I heard a faint snore that I realized that Zelda had fallen asleep. She was entirely still with her tiny self in my arms. I looked down at her tear stained face only to see peace. There was so much pain in this world and I couldn’t keep it all away from her and that angered me. I could only comfort her, I only wished that it would ever be enough.

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