The Legend: Chapter 72 - Sacrifice

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 Zelda's P.O.V

“Link!” I cried out, but it was too late. I watched as blood poured from Link’s mouth just like it had happened in my vison. I was useless and a failure. I couldn’t even protect the one I loved the most. “Zelda…” Link murmured as Ganondorf let Link fall to the ground with the sword still in him. “I expected more from the chosen hero.” Ganondorf laughed as he walked away from Link’s body and wiped his hands clean on his pants. “Now it’s just you and me Princess.” He added as he lifted his hand to lower the prison he had me trapped within. Once it lowered I took instant action. I ran straight to Link and gathered strength from my piece of the Triforce to create a powerful barrier around Link’s body. He was choking on his own blood. I watched in horror as crimson blood dripped from inside his mouth and all over the front of his tunic. “Shhh! It’s going to be alright Link. Just hold on!” I shouted. Carefully I lifted his head onto my lap. I concentrated on the force field I created around us as I gently stroked Link’s cheek. Ganondorf unsheathed his sword and took a few swings at the strong barrier. He could not get through, but I couldn’t hold it for long either. Link searched for my hand and then tightly gripped it with his red stained hands. I instantly burst into tears. It was too hard to see him like this. Link was such a powerful character who lit up the world around him; particularly my world. He didn’t deserve this fate. My eyes burned terribly from the salty tears that ran down my eyes profusely. “Shh it’s okay Zellie.” He croaked out. I looked at him to see that childish grin on his face. “I would have down anything for you, and that included dying.” He sighed. “You aren’t dying! Don’t say that!” I begged. “Zelda promise you won’t give up.” He whispered. I suddenly felt Link squeeze my hand a little tighter. “You can win this fight. I know you can.” He started. “No! Not without you!” I cried. He only chuckled in response. “You can and you will. Zelda from the beginning I was willing to risk my life for you. Do not blame yourself for this. This was my choice. You will become the greatest Queen Hyrule has ever seen. “ He explained in between short breaths. “Link there’s something I need to tell you.” I sniffled. “Let me say this first. Please.” He begged. “I know you don’t have feelings for me Zelda. No hard feelings about us okay?” He sighed sadly. “You’re such an idiot.” I cried. Link gave me a very confused look as I leaned forward slightly. “Link you’ve risked your life for me time and time again. You’re strong, and kind and most of all so very courageous. You have done me proud as my chosen hero. I hope to see you in the next life.” I stated strongly. “I’m not dead yet you know?” He teased. “I know but Link you don’t deserve this!” I sobbed. “Shhh don’t cry Zellie. “ Link begged. I glanced at Link’s wound only to see that a large amount of blood had pooled around him. His skin was much paler and his breathing was much slower as well. “I always loved you Zelda.” He coughed. “Even if you didn’t feel the same.” He added. “I love you.” I quickly added. “You what?” He inquired. “I love you Link. I foresaw your death in a vision. I avoided you in attempt to save your life. I know now that it was useless and that I should have spent our last few days together. I love you. “ I cried. Link then chuckled and lifted his hand towards my face. Gently he stroked my cheek and began to hum a light tune. It echoed in the air and warmed my heart. “I will see you again.” He stated as he exhaled his final breath. In that moment my whole world felt like it came tumbling down. Link left this world with a soft smile on his face his lifeless blue eyes staring back at me lovingly. I brought my hand to his face and gently pushed his eyelids closed. From there I shook with hard sobs until some strange thought hit me. I could save him, just like I had done once before. I couldn’t stop Ganondorf and neither could Link on his own. But if one of us had both of our Triforces, Ganondorf would be clearly outmatched. My mind was made up. I would give my piece of the Triforce to Link in order for him to live on and defeat Ganondorf. To give up such an attachment of one’s soul could only result in death. But a world without Link seemed almost meaningless, but someone had to prevent the darkness from taking the light of Hyrule, and that hero was Link, not me. I would heal Link to his full strength which would substantially drain me, and with my last strength I would give my piece of Triforce to Link, after that I would certainly perish. But it was all worth it.

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