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a/n this fic is set 6 months after "The secrets of Sarah Smith" and the story title may change im not 100% on it but I'll let you know if it does anyway here we go the first chapter

Clara opened her eyes slowly, her head resting on the Doctors lap, she was just about to give a sleepy smile, happy to have woken up in her lovers lap when she remembered where they were. Tiniest of windows just about letting in a small amount of morning sun, casting dark shadows around the small cell they were currently locked in, straw lay scattered around the floor and the whole place smelt strongly of urine and something else Clara refused to try and put a name too but it was not pleasant in the slightest.

"Morning" The Doctor whispered his long fingers running through Clara's hair

"Morning" Clara mumbled back, sitting up and trying to get comfortable but Victorian attire was not the most comfortable to have spent the night in and it didn't help there were all shackled by their ankles and wrists together

She gave up in a huff and lent against the Doctor's side her head on his shoulder and laughed when she noticed Sarah doing the same on his other side still asleep.

"I hope you both know I'm a Timelord not a pillow" The Doctor complained even though they both knew he didn't mind, he was happy to have both his girls beside him.

"It really stinks" Clara said wrinkling her nose up in disgust

"We've been trapped in worse" Came Sarah's sleepy voice from the Doctors other side

"Oh Do you remember the cell on Clom?" Clara asked shivering at the memory

"See worse, I'd give this one a 3 outa 10" Sarah shrugged

"Are you two rating our cells now?" The Doctor asked in disbelief

"We've been chucked in enough of them might as well" Clara answered non Chantilly

"We could write a book, the time travelers guide to prisons" Sarah laughed

The Doctor was just about to scold Sarah for an idiotic idea, no one but them could every read it so what was the point? when the door to their cell was opened, its old rusted hinges protesting loudly at the movement as it was banged against the wall, the impact echoing around the building. An old Victorian man with dirty ripped clothes and black teeth stood in the entry way of the cell grinning menacingly, he smelt strongly of body odour and alcohol and judging by the way he could barely stand straight he was every bit as drunk as he smelled. The trio instantly froze unsure.

"You have been released but first I want a little fun for our crimes" The Man smiled lunching myself with much more power and agility than they expected.

He grabbed Sarah by the throat slamming her against the wall braking the shackles she was in before any of them had time to react his face inches from hers. Sarah was thankful for her timelord biology at that moment so she could hold her breathe to stop the smell that was making her feel physically sick. The drunk sloppily but hungrily pressed his lips to Sarah's. She knew exactly were this was going, she'd been here loads of times before growing up and her mind instantly resorted back to remembering facts about history. World war 1, world war 2, The Titanic, the potato famine. All these swarmed round her head as the man attacked her mouth his hands attempting to lift her skirt.

Sarah was vaguely aware of the Doctor jumping up shouting some sort of threat but being pulled back down by his shackles which were apparently a lot stronger than the ones Sarah had on. Sarah knew that if she kneed him in the crotch or made any sort of physical attempt to get him away he would probably fall to the ground to drunk to move but her entire body had froze and her mind instantly flashed back to all the times growing up Stephan would have came into her room and done exactly the same thing this stranger was doing now.

Suddenly the drunk was torn away from Sarah and she collapsed in a heep on the ground. A Victorian woman with a black vial over her face stood before Sarah the drunk tossed aside like an old toy.

"Vastra Thank you. Can you please get us out of these" The Doctor asked breathless from his attempts to break the chains and shouting at the drunk.

Sarah sat on the dirty floor completely frozen not even fully noticing the woman's face when she lifted her Vail was green and scaly like a lizard. Sarah was vaguely a wear of chains clinking and rattling as she kept her terrified stare on the drunken man in case he moved again but he seemed to be out cold. Suddenly a hard body was crushing Sarah's and she flinched at the sudden contact.

"Are you OK?" The Doctor asked sounding panicked, Sarah releasing her from the hug and searching every inch of her he could see for injury, one hand still resting on her face

"Yea, yea I'm OK" Sarah mumbled slowly as she started to come out of the daze she was in. Clara quickly joined the Doctor by her side and pulled her into a hug and Sarah clung onto her like a life line.

"Is this always how you spend Christmas Doctor? locked up in a dirty cell with your companions" Vastra asked in a disapproving tone

"Seems to be tradition for something to go wrong" the Doctor answered darkly not taking his eyes of his daughter.

a/n let me know what you think please :-) xxx

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