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A/N sorry this took so long! busy mum finding it hard to find time to write at the moment but anyway hope you enjoy it.


Clara woke up and noticed it was still pitch black in her room a quick peek at the alarm told her it was 4:00 in the morning, groaning and running a hand over her face she realised her throat was sore and dry so she decided to get up and get a drink. The Doctor was sleeping peacefully on the other side of the bed. quietly so not to disturb him Clara wrapped her dressing gown around herself still naked from their love making and headed for the kitchen. She passed through the living room stumbling over on of the Doctors shoes in her half awake state not even noticing the small amount of light coming from her laptop on the coffee table.

"Clara!" A voice shouted as soon as she switched on the kitchen light. Clara jumped and grabbed the closest thing to her which happened to be her folder containing year 9's poetry essays and raised it up ready to defend herself against what ever had just tried to pierce her ear drums by shouting her name.

"Clara! Clara! Clara!" The voice excitedly exclaimed over and over again. Clara's half asleep brain finally caught up with her surroundings to find Sarah stood in front of her in a pair of navy pyjama bottoms and a fluffy pink dressing gown tied very loosely around her so it was almost fully open revealing the Harry Potter t-shirt she had stolen from Clara. Sarah's hair had been pulled up into a very messy bun with stray hairs falling out everywhere and she seemed to have posted notes stuck randomly on her, In her hand was a blue mug with steam coming out of the top.

"You scared the life out of me! thought you were going to attack me" Clara scolded in a loud whisper so not to wake the Doctor

"So you thought you'd fight me off with some grading?" Sarah laughed not bothering to keep her voice down if anything she seemed to be talking louder than normal.

"Keep your voice down you'll wake your father, What are you doing awake at this time anyway its 4 in the morning?" Clara staged whispered.

"It is? I should really get to bed soon" Sarah muttered to herself before taking a drink out of her cup.

"You haven't even been to sleep yet? what have you been doing? and how are you even still awake?" Clara asked filling a glasses up with water before taking a drink

"Oh lots of stuff! been busy! lots to do! lots to plan! yes yes lots!" Sarah answered sounding almost manic "Coffee's disgusting did you know that? but very good at keeping you awake" Sarah practically bounced in the spot.

It was then that Clara looked at Sarah and noticed the almost manic look in Sarah's eyes with dark circles under them and how her entire body seemed to practically vibrate with access energy.

"How much Coffee have you had?" Clara asked shocked

"I dunno! lost count! maybe10 maybe more" Sarah shrugged starting to bounce slightly on the balls of her feet.

"10! Sarah! you'll kill yourself! give me that cup" Clara exclaimed snatching the cup away from Sarah

"Hey! My Coffee! Give!" Sarah protested reaching for the cup. Clara took a gulp of the coffee before pulling a face and dumping the rest down the sink. "Nooo!!! that was evil!" Sarah shouted dramatically

"That was disgusting how many sugars are in that?" Clara asked her face full of disgust

"6" Sarah shrugged "Any less and I could still taste the coffee" Sarah shuddered as if remembering a horrible event.

"Why on earth did you drink it then if you don't like it?" Clara asked pinching the bridge of her nose. reminding herself to breath in and out calmly, having the conversation at four in the morning was pushing her patients to its limits

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