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Later on it was getting close to dinner time and baby was protesting and demanding a pastie. I was imagining the taste of it when I bit into the hard batter and my mouth watered with want as I finished up messing with UNIT today again.

"Clara your on the dinner run tonight. chippy" Jack called from the desk station opposite me. I've never been happier to hear the word "chippy" in my life.

"I'm his companion not your's. What did your last slave die off?" Clara said pointing her thumb behind her at the Doctor sounding slightly annoyed but mostly amused

"She didn't she's just pregnant and besides she's going with you" Jack laughed

"Oh sir are you actually letting me down from my lonely tower?" I said in mock shock walking over to Jack and ignoring the slave comment for now.

"Oh Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your golden hair" Mickey shouted from across the room dramatically atempting to do some weird accent

"Shove off Mickey, and Im brown not blonde" I shouted back and he just laughed in responce.

Mickey was like my annoying older brother we annoy each other and bicker constantly but we love each other really and always have each others backs when its important.

"Yes Princess because if I have to listen to you obsessing over a pastie any longer Im going to chew my own arm off" said Jack.

"I can't help it if the baby wants it" I pretend to pout which just made him stand up and nip my lip between his teeth, I inhaled sharply desire instantly pooling in my stomach before pressing my lips to his in a passionate kiss.

"Alright I get enough PDA at school come on Sarah. Jack text me the order" Clara light heartly scolded pulling her Jacket on.

"See you later Princess" Jack said with a wink once we had pulled away.

I just groan in response. Im gonna really regret that repunzel refrence I just know it. Clara pulled me by the hand out of the hub and we walked hand in hand towards the chippy. It wasn't that far away but it was nice to get to spend time with my best friend with no one else around.

"Lets play 20 questions wedding style" Clara suggested with a laugh

"Alright but you gotta answer them too. Just incase dad ever asks you" I answered pointing at her.

"Never gonna happen but ok Ideal wedding venue?" Clara asked

"Right at the front of the bay where I go to talk to James" I answered sadly "Why's it never gonna happen? have you guys talked about it?" I asked Clara

"Thats two questions you only get one but I'll let you off since you're technically two people" Clara laughed "No we haven't talked about it but it took me 4 years, dying, being extracted from my death, him forgetting me then remembering me and unfreezing me somehow a few more years and a deadly disease to get him to kiss me. I'm not sure I would survive what it would take to get him to marry me" Clara explained with a laugh but I knew it upset her that she couldn't see much of a future with dad so I didn't push it.

We continued taking turns to ask questions as we walked towards the chippy. We where just walking down an empty side street when we could hear a hissing noise like gas escaping from a pipe. I looked around everywhere but couldn't see where it could be coming from. The noise got louder and louder until it sounded almost like words and then I realised it was words.

"Do you hear the whispermen?
The whispermen are near
Once you hear the Whispermen
Then turn away your ear
Do not hear the Whispermen
What ever else you do
For once you here the Whispermen
They'll stop and look at you"

The rhyme repeated over and over again, surrounding me. It made my head hurt. I could no longer tell if it was around me or inside my head anymore. I clutched my head in agony, it felt like my head was on fire, like it was about to explode. I was vaguly aware of Clara shouting my name telling me to keep moving to run but my legs wouldn't co-operate. I was glued to the spot in agony. My vision started to become blurry as images attack my mind, My gran laying on the floor, men in suits with creepy white cloth like faces and a victorian man. the images became stronger and stronger and I scream in pain colapsing onto the ground. My entire world went blank.

*3rd person pov*

"Sarah!" Clara shouted as Sarah went down and she ran towards her. Clara felt for a pulse and found a very faint one she was breathing but it was shallow and uneven.

"Step away from her" A mans voice came from the shadows.

"Who are you?" Clara demanded

Simeon stepped out from the shadows flanked by three of his whispermen who were hissing at them.

"Step away from her now" Simeon repeated menicingly

"As if I'd do anything you tell me" Clara laughed faking confidence when in reality she was terrified.

"You will if you value your life" Simeon threatened

"Go on then kill me. I dare you! but remember this The Doctor will hunt you down and he will find you and when he does you are going to regret every single thing you have ever done" Clara shouted standing up to face Simeon her body flooding with adrenaline.

"Thats exactly what I'm hoping for. The Doctor will find me and he will watch as my men rip his daughter's hearts out. After shes delivered the baby of course. We've other plans for the child" Simeon explained sounding cold and menesing

"Men stop her heart" Simeon comanded with a snap off his fingers.

The Whispermen approched Clara slowly with confidence. Everything in her body screamed at Clara to run but she couldn't leave Sarah here she was unconcious and needed help. Clara prayed Jack could tell something was wrong and appear any second now to save them both but he never. The Whispermen plunged their hands into Clara's chest and she fell to the ground beside Sarah. Her body sprawled out exactly how it had bee on trap street.

"Prepare the vessel" Simeon demanded

The whispermen gave one last angry sounding hiss towards Clara's body before turning their attention to Sarah and stripping her of her ring bracelet and neckless breaking the chain as they yanked it roughly frim around her neck. Simeon stepped forward and towered over the unconcious Sarah.

"You are going to bring about the distruction of the Doctor and finally give me my revenge" Simeon snarled before crutching down and attatching a teleport bracelet to Sarah's arm. Pressing a button on his cufflinks, Sarah, Simeon and the Whispermen disapeared leaving behind only Sarah's possesions and Clara's broken body

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