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a/n ok so it wasn't before Monday and it's not quite the funeral but hey its an update!

An hour later, after dropping everyone else off at Cardiff The Doctor, Clara and Sarah arrived at Clara's London flat. The familiarity and comfort washing over them all as the stepped outside of the TARDIS onto the carpeted floor of Clara's bedroom, Sarah was shocked to see that although most of the room remained the same orderly fashion as the last time she was here, the bed was unmade and a few articles of clothing were flung around the room. It wasn't until Sarah spotted a pair of her father's boxer's on top of the lamp that she realised what The Doctor and Clara had been up to the last time they were here and she shuttered at the thought.

They gathered in the kitchen while Clara busied around making tea for herself and the Doctor. Sarah was quiet deathly so as she sipped on the fanta Clara had handed her. The reality of why she was here rushing back to her Liam was dead, really dead and she wasn't sure how to react to that.

"We'll need to leave in about 2 hours to get to the funeral parlour before the funeral, Gwen managed to arrange viewing the body so I can scan it" The Doctor said taking a drink of his tea with 7 sugars in it.

"Him, He maybe dead but he's not an it" Sarah corrected the Doctor her voice sounding hollow and empty as she spoke.

"Sorry" The Doctor apologised quickly was a small smile, he really had no idea how to react to his daughter's grief. He didn't understand emotions at the best of times never mind in a situation like this. The Doctor shot Clara a pleading look, She'd know what to do. Clara always knew.

"Come on that gives us enough time to get you showered and changed" Clara said brightly with a smile pulling Sarah out of the kitchen

"I already had a shower on the TARDIS" Sarah deadpaned

"I know but it'll give you something to do and maybe help clear your thoughts a little" Clara said turning on the shower in her small bathroom and fetching Sarah a large fluffy towel from the hot press in the hall way. "I'll just be in the other room when your done" She said leaving Sarah alone to shower.

Sarah peeled of her clothes and thought back to the last shower she had only a few hours ago, the one that leaded to having sex with Jack and their mental link connecting. She could still feel the connection open and it helped to comfort her as she stepped into the shower and under the warm water but she couldn't feel his emotions or presence, she guessed they were just to far apart to feel him properly. Sarah began rubbing the body-wash over her skin, smiling when she noticed Clara had kept her favourite body-wash for her after the month they had spent living here when the TARDIS had been damaged and stranded them here. Sarah started washing her hair again and her thoughts drifted to Liam and the second time they had met.

Sarah was 14 and walking home from school, usually her mum or Stephan would met her at the school to make sure she didn't talk to anybody but they must have been either too hungover or high to pick her up today so she walked home alone, Her old uniform hanging of her small frame and backpack she had used for the past 3 years slung over one shoulder because the other strap had been broken the day before by one of the girls in her class. Sarah walked with her head down looking at the ground and her battered school shoes as she kicked small stones out of her way.

"Oh look who it is Silent Sarah" Came the sneer of Robbie Rundle one of the older boys in Sarah's class, he had came up with that nickname back in reception class 11 years ago and now all the kids used it to pick on her. "What don't I get a hello?" He said in mock offence as Sarah ignore him and continued to walk on not even raising her head to look at him. "Oi look at me when I talk to you" Robbie shouted grabbing Sarah's arm and turning her round to look at him. He scowled at her and tried to look intimidating but Sarah wasn't scared she had come face to face with much scarier men everyday of her life. Sarah still didn't say anything terrified in case someone Stephan knew had spotted her talking to Robbie and told him, he would instantly think that Sarah had told him about nighthawk and she would be beaten. This angered Robbie more and his grip on Sarah tightened hurting her but she still remained looking down at the ground refusing to make eye contact with him.

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