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The next morning Sarah woke up still feeling a little shaken from the night before, she kept reminding herself that nothing really happened and it was stupid to still be feeling like this but she still felt sick and a little on edge. When she got up to get breakfast she realized Jack wasn't around, Sarah assumed that he was still in bed hungover, So she showered dressed and ate breakfast in silence and hated it every tiny noise made her jump and in the shower she had to keep one eye open at all times. Aliens she could deal with stick her in a room full of Daleks and she'd find away out, drunken men however are another story they strike fear into her soul that's hard to shake.

Getting fed up of her own thoughts , Sarah decided to start work early try and take her mind of it. She headed to the hub but when she got there the whole team were already there. Martha was carrying some weird slimy looking thing in a jar towards the medical bay, mickey was typing on his computer and Gwen and Jack were talking in the middle of the room.

"Ah sleeping beauty awakes at last" Jack laughed spotting Sarah coming into the hub.

"What time is it?" She asked really confused she was sure it couldn't have been late enough for anyone to have been here but its hard to tell when you live underground.

"10 o'clock. could I see you in my office Sarah?" He asked sounding serious and leading the way. Sarah followed pretty sure she was about to get a telling off for not having her gun last night.

Jack's office looked not too different from a typical office, he had a large wooden table laden with stacks of paper on one side, a half full coffee mug sat just beside them that Jack picked up and took a drink off, shuttering when he released it had gone cold while talking to Gwen before sitting it back down again leaving yet another watermark on his desk. He had a golden name plaque with "Captain Jack Hardness" on it that Gwen had gotten him as a joke one Christmas. Behind his desk was his large brown leather chair similar to the ones the Doctor kept aboard the TARDIS, a smaller chair sat in front of the desk and a small sofa sat against the opposite wall with Jacks coat slung over it. the rest of the office was full of bookcases and shelves of alien objects and books. Jack moved his coat of the sofa and hung it on the coat hanger that sat beside it before sitting down on the sofa, gesturing for Sarah to do the same.

"How come you let me sleep so late?" Sarah asked hoping to avoid the telling of for as long as possible

"You seemed to have had a bad night, I heard you screaming and shouting in your sleep" Jack said sounding concerned.

Sarah looked down embarrassed, her face going slightly pink. She had had nightmares all night last night about her childhood but she hadn't released she had screamed in her sleep and now Jack knew.

"Everything OK? Do you want to tell me anything, you can talked to me Sarah" Jack spoke softly touching her cheek.

Sarah could feel tears forming in her eyes and she blinked a few times to try and clear them "I'm fine Jack honestly, just nightmares" Sarah answered sounding stronger than she felt

"Last night at the club you were terrified more than most people would be" Jack started to talk

"I'm fine I can handle work if that's what you are worried about, it wont effect it I promise, Aliens I can handle men not so much" Sarah interrupted panicking a little thinking Jack was going to fire her

"Because of Stephan right?" Jack asked, Sarah stiffened at hearing his name the panic rising in her again. "you kept saying his name asking him to stop last night" Jack explained

"Yes but I'm not ready to go into that yet. A lot of bad things happened to me before I met dad some I've dealt with some I haven't but none of it will effect my work" Sarah explained not wanting to go into details, she knew she could trust Jack and all off the team they where old friends of her dad's so she knew they were safe but she just wasn't ready for them looking at her different or treating her different after they found out especially not Jack.

"After taking down that weevil last night believe me I have no worries about your work but you do have to remember to take your gun with you at all times some day you won't be able to stop what ever is coming at you and will need to shoot it before it kills you" Jack warned Sarah seriously

"Sure" Sarah answered unconvinced "Can I get back to work now?" Sarah asked suddenly realizing just how close Jack was to her and finding it hard to concentrate, their knees almost touched and she could feel his heat radiating off it.

"Sure think Mickey was looking you" Jack answered standing up and holding his hand out for Sarah. She took it and her hand seemed to tingle where it touched his, the contact making her feel bit giddy and light headed

"Thanks Jack" she manged to stutter out before leaving the room and heading back down to the team.

"Sarah there you are. challenge for you!" Mickey said excitedly

"Alright what is it?" Sarah replied still feeling a little out of it.

"laptop basic of basic programming on it, see if you can hack the newest security software" Mickey explained pushing a laptop into Sarah's arms

"Oh your on" Sarah laughed forgetting all about Jack and what happened the night before, she had a challenge now.

"I'd like to see you get past this one, its alot harder than the last few" Mickey boasted

"It better be a 5 year old could have got past the last 2" Sarah teased sitting down at her desk and opening the laptop. "Bet I can do it in less than 20 minutes"

"Do it in less than 15 and the laptop is yours" Mickey goaded Sarah sticking his hand out for Sarah to shake.

"Done" Sarah smiled taking his hand

"If you loose your on weevil cleaning duty for a month" Mickey teased

"Guess you better get suited up Mickey Mouse because your on duty tomorrow" Sarah sassed typing frantically on the keyboard.

Jack had come down from his office and was helping Martha to translate some medical notes they found on a crashed tula ship the other day, Sarah was right in his eye line every time he looked up, her face a perfect picture concentration a small frown on her forehead as she chewed on her bottom lip, her fingers going inhumanly fast against they keyboard as she worked though firewall after firewall of mickey's newest software. Jack couldn't help but stare at her every time she bit her lip, he had visions of crashing his mouth to hers and tugging her lip between his teeth as he made love to her over and over again. Eventually he couldn't take it any more excused himself from Martha and walked over to Sarah who was still chewing on her lip.

"Keep biting that lip of yours and I'm gonna have to bite it for you" Jack whispered in a low growl right in Sarah's ear, his mouth so close it ghost over her skin and sent a shiver through Sarah that went straight to her sex arousing her instantly and breaking her concentration from her task instantly.

"Amm.. right... OK... won't happen again" Sarah spluttered unsure how to react to the hormones going off in her body.

Jack chuckled in her ear before walking back to his office "The Doctors daughter she's the doctor's daughter" echoing round in his head. Sarah was left sat at her desk feeling slightly flustered and really not sure what to do "He's your boss nothing more he wouldn't even want you once he knows" repeating over and over again in her head. Sarah shook her head before getting back to her task, she had 3 minutes left to beat Mickey's system or she was shovelling weevil poop for the next month.

2 minutes and 43 seconds later a photoshoped picture of Mickey's head on a baboon's dancing bottom appeared on all the screen's in the Torchwood hub.

"And that Mickey Mouse is how you hack Torchwood" Sarah announced triumphantly, leaning back on her desk chair

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