The Red Dress

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A/N Sorry about the terrible spelling still no tablet

The Doctor and Clara had left over a week ago leaving Martha to continue the work on her own performing daily full body scans and weekly blood tests on Sarah to check the growth and hormone levels. Sarah had been banned from going out on missions unless completely nessasary and already was getting completely fed up with it how she was going to cope with this for the rest of the pregnancy she didn't know she was already bored.

The rest of the team left on some mission a few hours ago leaving Sarah only with the instructions to hold down the fort and relax alittle which was nearly impossible, not to mention frustrating. How could she relax when whatever mission they were on required all four of them four hours and counting to achieve and they wouldn't tell her a single thing about it which ment that it was dangerous and they didnt want her worrying which just made her worry. She needed something to take her mind off of it.

Seting down her hot chocolate on the table beside her computer Sarah set about her daily security check and the best way to make sure your security is up to scratch? Make someone hack it. Sarah pulled up UNIT's official page and began hacking into their system. She had done this so often she could do it with her eyes closed, they never bothered to update their outer layers of security and Sarah was quickly able to get into their internal messaging. Typing out a quick message Sarah hit send waiting for the panic.

"Hello boys. Miss me? ;-)" appeared on all the screens on UNIT's IT department.

Within seconds Sarah's screen began lighting up with notifications of were UNIT were trying to hack into her system showing Sarah where all the weak points were on the system. She was able to quickly build up the firewalls and kick UNIT out of the system

"oh come on boy's give a girl a challenge" Sarah sent the IT group who still hadn't managed to kick her out of their system.

This went on for about an hour or so Sarah hacking into UNIT. UNIT despritely trying to kick her out and figure out who she was to no avail and eventually she got bored of that and pulled out of their system with a "See you later boys ;-) xxx". Just as she had logged out she heard the door to the hub open and in steped a very stressed looking Jack carrying a large black gift bag. As soon as Jack saw Sarah his stress melted away.

"Hey hope you havn't been up to anything whilst I've been gone" Jack teased walking towards her.

"Well I did go sky driving and climbed a mountion, got chased by a hungry mountion lion, feel off the mountion and then went swiming with the fishes" Sarah answered sarcastically

"So same old same old" Jack said kissing Sarah lightly

"Same old same old" Sarah groaned her bordem getting to her.

"Well I've a present for you that might cheer you up" Jack smirked showing Sarah the bag "But I need a proper kiss first" He teased as Sarah went to take the bag.

Sarah rolled her eyes playfully before wraping her arms around Jacks neck pulling him down to her as she stood on her tip toes, Their mouths meeting in the middle. Jack tried making the kiss slow and teasing but Sarah was having none of it. If he wanted a proper kiss he would get one. She kissed him roughly and passionatly sending waves of desire and arousal through their mental connection making Jack moan against her lips and begin kissing her back just as fiercely. Sarah pushed Jack backwards so he was leaning against the wall without once breaking the kiss. She could feel Jacks lower regeans responed to the kiss and she smiled in triamph before running her hand over his shoulder and down his arm sensually before grabbing the bag and pulling away, turning and walking towards the living quarters. Leaving a stunned Jack panting against the wall.

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