
17 1 10

The Doctor looked past Jack in shame. He was right, He had been so wrapped up in his grief for Clara he had forgotten all about his own daughter. Clara would have slapped him if she could for forgetting Sarah. He sighed closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in. He remembered Clara's last words on trap street and repeated them to himself over and over in his head "Let me be brave, Let me be brave, oh please for her, for Clara let me be brave"

The Doctor sucked in ragged breaths repeatly to try and stop the tears that threatened to spill but not now, no he couldn't let it over take him now. He had a job to do, a daughter to save and damn it if the universe cared just one damn bit about him he was going to do it right and get her back. He squared his shoulders. Head up shoulders back time to show the universe what hes made off.

"Ok what do you know?" The Doctor asked demermined sounding every bit in charge as he usually would.

"Not a lot to be honest The used a short range teleporter but that doesn't mean they are near by they could have teleported into a ship and warp drived outa here before we even got to the alley" Jack explained feeling frustrated at how little they knew.

"If only we knew who they were we could track them easily" The Doctor grumbled "Clara would know" he added saddly looking over towards Clara's body laid out on the hospital cot looking as if she was just sleeping peacefully. Thats when he noticed it. The little black device he had seen Strax use on multible occasions including to restart hearts! The Doctor launched himself towards it picking it up in his hands.

"What are you doing? That's just an old medical thing we recovered from torchwood 1 they've had it since victorian times it doesn't work anymore" Jack asked

"It does work its made to last a millenia but it only responces to Sontaron dna but if I just reprograme it alittle bit" The Doctor explained excitedly taking out his sonic and using it on the device.

"Ah ha!" The Doctor cheared in delight as he got the device working he pointed it at Clara sorted the settings the pressed the button Clara's body gave another jolt but his time instead of falling back lifeless Clara sat up casping for breath.

"You're ok Clara, breathe. Breathe Clara Breathe" The Doctor instructed sounding almost giddy as a craddled Clara's paniced head in his hand placing a kiss to her forehead.

"You ok?" He asked once her breathing had returned almost to normal

"That-That was not nice" Clara answered breathlessly

"Tell me about it. You died again. You're getting as bad as Rory" The Doctor tried to joke

"Rory? big nose? sandy blonde hair? I called him Nina?" Clara asked

"Well that was Oswin but yea" The Doctor laughed unable to let go of Clara.

Suddenly Clara's eyes widdened and panic flashed on her face. "Where' Sarah?!" She asked looking around

"We don't know she was already gone when we found you" Jack explained his heart twisting again knowing Sarah was out there somewere without him.

"It was Simeon" Clara said before going into a full explaination of everything that happened in the alley way.

Sarah's POV

The woman stepped out of the shadows her heels clicking on the concret floor. She looked middle aged and had brown curly hair that was piled up ontop of her head, Her make up looked over done and she wore a tight black womans bussiness suit with a skirt, basically she looked like a scary version of the women you see on make up counters in chemists.

"Who are you?" I asked nervously wrapping my hands over my bump protectively ignoring the pain from the cuffs.

"I'm the woman who's going to take your baby" The woman answered smuggly her red lipstick covered lips over exaggerating each sylable. My blood runs icecold at that and I tighten my grip around my bump the guffs digging further into my skin breaking it and drawing blood.

"Oh don't scare the puppy now we don't want her going into early labour now do we? would be awfully messy" A shrill voice called opening the large wooden door.

"Missy?" I asked in disbelief taking in her purple victorian style outfit piercing eyes and her vicious looking smirk.

"Oh we've met have we? life of a timetraveler, gets a bit muddled up sometimes deary" Missy shrugged

"I don't understand whats going on? she says she wants to take my baby why?" I asked tears forming in my eyes and my voice cracking

"Oh do keep up" Missy sighed "I thought you were supposed to be clever. Its simple really. We want your baby, so we are going to take it" Missy explained as if she was disgussing the weather

"Why? What's my baby got to do with you?" I cried I couldn't lose another baby I just couldn't.

"You don't listen do you? Child of the universe with blood of Gallifrey and of Earth. Power of the Vortex, her destiny since before times birth. Time must obey her, The rules are hers to make. Time and space are forever at stake. The Timelord Victorious shall rise forever more. Conceived behind the blue wooden door" Missy resighted

"It was hardly talking about you, a silly broken child of the TARDIS so pathetic even your own Mother didn't want you" The woman sneered trying to get a raise out of me but I knew she was right My mum didn't care why should she have? I was the result of a quick fling and nothing more so I never even flinched at her words. "but A child of the TARDIS of a Child of the TARDIS oh the power she will hold will be unmeasurable" The woman finished her mouth twisting into a cruel smile. I just stared at her in shock she really was insane.

A/N Short chapter again sorry but there was so much in this already I thought it would be too much to do a 2000 word chapter xxx

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