Knock Out

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Sarah cursed Martha for making her wear heels as she ran down the wet streets, her heels click clacking against the ground as she hit it hard running as fast as she could, her short red dress riding up her thighs slightly, her long hair that she had curled bounced around her face making it harder for her too see in the dark, she was running down a series of alley ways the street lights just about shinning there light down casting dark eerie shadows around her, the dim yellow light giving the place a ominous glow.

"Sarah, its coming in your direction, be ready" Martha's voice came in her ear over the comm's .

"Great" she groaned jokingly "I swear Martha when we are done here you owe me a foot massage, my feet are killing me" Sarah complained as her feet felt like they were on fire with every slap of her heels against the streets.

"Yea but you look great" Gwen chirped in over the comm's as if that made it all worth while

"Alright Sarah it's just round the next corner from you" Martha warned, monitoring the energy readings on her device

"I'm not far behind it coming up on its rear, now there's not something you'll hear me say about a weevil everyday" Jack laughed

Sarah turned the corner and was met by the slight of a sharp toothed weevil racing towards her its sharp claws poised for attack, Sarah had a fleeting thought of wishing she was wearing one of the boiler suits the weevils wore rather than her skin tight dress as she ran towards the weevil.

"Sarah it's gonna attack you! take the shot!" Jack shouted down the comm's coming into view further down the street. Sarah ignored him and continued running towards the weevil, the gap between the two of them decreasing at a rapid pace.

"Sarah!! Shoot it!" Jack roared making everyone's ears ring. Sarah didn't even move to reach for the gun mainly because well she didn't have it.

"SARAH!" Jack screamed as the weevil and Sarah collided, the weevil aimed straight for Sarah's neck with its teeth, ready to clamp its jaws around her throat and pierce the skin tearing the flesh away, tasting the blood in its mouth but never got the chance Sarah's reflexes kicked in, she elbowed the creature in the side of it's face, kicked it's feet from under it knocking it too the ground face down, Sarah sat on the weevil's back one hand holding it hands together the other pressing the side of it's face against the ground to stop it from being able to attack. The weevil let out a cry of shock and frustration at being denied it's pray. It tried to buck Sarah off of it and struggled to free its arms but Sarah's Timelord strength held true and she was able to detain it until Jack came racing over to them and injected a sedative into the weevil's arm, the creature became still almost instantly. Mickey and Gwen rounded the corner panting for breath from running towards the weevil, expecting to see a mangled Sarah in the jaw's of the weevil.

"How the bloody hell did you manage that" Gwen asked breathlessly her welsh accent standing out more.

"Guess I'm just that good" Sarah laughed excepting Jack's hand to help her stand up of the weevil.

"Don't ever disobey order's again' If I say shot you shot, You could have been killed" Jack shouted angerly pointing a finger at Sarah.

"Well I wasn't and besides have you seen what I'm wearing? Were on earth am I gonna hide a gun in this?" Sarah answered waving a hand over her body.

"You didn't even have your gun?!" Jack shouted

"You're either very brave or very stupid" Gwen commented

"Just like her father" Mickey laughed sounding impressed

"Can we deal with this later and get the weevil back to he cell's we have a girl's night out to get back too" Sarah snapped annoyed at Mickey' comment

An hour later they had placed the weevil in one of the holding cells, Sarah had changed into a pair of red converse and they were all sat at a table in a club in the centre of Cardiff, the men had decided to join them and were up at the bar buying drinks. Sarah had never been in a club before and the loud music and flashing lights were making her a bit light-headed and disorrintated, There were people everywhere she looked some in large groups sat around a table like they were, couples sat on sofa's looking like they were trying to eat each other's face's off which made Sarah winkle her nose up in disgust, a few people were stood at the door ordering drinks and the rest of the people were crammed onto a small dance floor their bodies knocking into each other as they danced to the music, a DJ was blasting the music from loud speakers sat up on a bit of a platform.

"Alright drinks" Mickey announced setting a tray full of drinks on the table pulling Sarah out of her observations. Everyone grabbed their own glasses, Sarah stuck with a fanta, she hated the out of control feeling that came with being drunk and her past experiences proved to her that she needed to be fully aware of what was going on around her at all times so that she could feel safe.

"Come on dance with me!" Gwen shouted over the music as her favourite song came on and dragged Sarah onto the dance floor not even waiting for an answer, although she was more used to call room dancing that club dancing Sarah managed to pick it up pretty quick and was soon dancing along with Gwen, Martha and Mickey like she had been doing it all her life.

Jack sat back at the table watching his team enjoy themselves, his attention more on Sarah than the rest of them, he marvelled at how much she had become apart of the team after only being here 3 weeks, it felt as though she was he missing piece they didn't know was missing until they found her, He noticed the way her entire face light up when she laughed at Mickey nearly falling over, how she pulled her long hair over to one side when she felt uncomfortable or nervous. He watched as her hips swung from side to side with the music her red dress tight against her showing off her perfect figure, she was every bit a woman and a woman that Jack wanted, the only woman in the universe that he could never have.

A man around Sarah's age came over to her and put his hands on her hips trying to get her to dance with him, Jack could see her trying to move his hands away but he was insistent, She had somehow gotta separated from the rest of the team and they couldn't see what was going on, Sarah twisted round to face the man and pushed him away gently but the man just moved closer towards her, Jack could just about make out Sarah's terrified expression as he lept from the chair he was sat at and ran towards the man, his fist connecting with his jaw as soon as he was close enough causing the man to fall to the floor.

"You OK?" Jack asked Sarah gently looking into her scared eye's

"Yea, Yea I'm OK" Sarah answered shakily

Seeing Jack punch the guy the rest of the team rushed over to see what was wrong and Jack rounded on the man.

"Go near her or any other woman like that again and I'll make you wish I had only broken your jaw" Jack threatened his whole body radiating with furry.

"I just wanted a dance" The man spat before scurrying away to find whoever he came with.

"Come on we'll get you home" Jack said to Sarah all signs of his anger gone and replaced with concern.

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