Lunch with a show

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Lunch with a show.

Sarah and Jack arrived at the place they were having lunch a few minutes earlier after a very emotional shopping trip to mothercare to get a few essentials for the baby and ended up buying enough to completely fill the car not including the furniture which was being delivered to the torchwood hub in a weeks' time. It was while picking out Babygro's that Sarah became quite tearful.

"What's wrong? The Babygro's aren't that ugly that I picked out are they?" Jack asked in genuine confusion as Sarah stared down at this tiny pink sleepsuit with "Mummy's little Princess" written on it.

"I just realised, that I'm never going to get to see her in these, I don't even know if I'll get to see her face" Sarah cried clutching the sleep suit to her chest as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"You'll see her face I promise and she's always going to see yours I'll have so many pictures of you up for her it won't even feel like you're gone" Jack promised pulling Sarah into a side hug, it was the only way he was able to hug her properly these days with the huge bump in the way.

"It's not the same though is it? A little girl should have her mother. My mum may have been sick and twisted but at least she was there, what sort of a mother can't stay alive long enough to raise their baby?" Sarah asked painfully as the guilt and grieve that had been building up in her since she found out her fate started to raise to the surface and tears flooded out of her eyes quicker than she could wipe them away.

"You didn't choose to die, it's not your fault, you're doing the most selfless act anyone could ever do and putting someone else's life before your own" Jack tried to comfort her, the words twisting in his throat making it hard for him to breathe. He didn't want to think about Sarah's death, he didn't want to think about their little girl growing up without her mother and he didn't want to think about spending the rest of eternity without Sarah.

"But it's not though is it? Not only am I leaving her without a mum but I'm leaving you do to it all on your own" Sarah cried burying her face into Jack's chest, inhaling the scent that she never wanted to forget one that made her feel safe and secure and completely at home.

"I won't be completely on my own, do you really think Clara is going to let me raise a child single headedly? She barely trusts me with you. I'm not going to be able to get rid of her once the baby is here" Jack tried to joke but he ended up choking on his words.

"Clara would be a good substitute mum; she's still vetoed though for life" Sarah warned

"Trust me I think you father would find a way to kill me indefinitely if I even tried" Jack chuckled for real this time.

In the café Sarah and Jack where shown to a table and waited for Hannah to arrive. Sarah clutches her back nervously the reason she is here hidden inside of it. After a few moments a woman with blonde hair down to her shoulders, dark brown eyes and a dusting of freckles over her nose sat down at the table in front of them out of breath and looking slightly dishevelled.

"Sorry I'm late, got off at the wrong stop" Hannah apologised breathlessly as she practically threw herself down on the seat before picking up the menu to decide what to eat without even looking at Sarah or Jack.

"So what's new with you? How's Wyatt?" Hannah asked not looking up from the menu.

Sarah looked at Jack uncomfortably, this was still a sore spot for her and quite complicated to explain. "I haven't seen him in a while, there was a mix up he wasn't really my son so he had to go back to his family, I hear from him every now and again though. My son, James died" Sarah tried to explain going to play with her neckless only remembering it wasn't there once she had nipped her neck by accident

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