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Sarah spent the rest of the day in and out of meetings and drawing up her proposal for the home and by the time 11 o'clock came round that night she was ready to sleep, she may be a child of the TARDIS but she still needs to sleep for a few hours every night and missing that last night left her exhausted. Sarah showered and changed into a pair of pyjama bottoms and a tank top crawled into bed not even bothering to plat her hair which she knew she would regret in the morning when she tried to brush it. Sarah sighed contently snuggling down under the covers. Sarah's eyes were drifting closed just about to fall asleep when she heard it, a giggle. Not just any giggle, Clara's flirty giggle. She lived with them in the TARDIS long enough to know exactly what that giggle meant and as if to prove the point her fathers throaty moan reached her ears seconds later making Sarah cringe. She really wished they wouldn't be so loud when she was around not only was it embaressing and awkward having to lay in bed listen to your father and best friend go at it like bunnies across the hall it also brought back painful memories.


12 year old Sarah sat in the living room with her mother Sue and Stephan who were both sat rolling and smoking joints one after another as if they were tobacco. Usually when they started doing this Sarah would escape to her room and do homework or practise her dancing but earlier she had asked Stephan to wait a second while she finished her homework before getting him s beer. He had dragged her out of her bedroom by her hair in a rage before throwing her onto the floor forbidding her from going back into her room until he said. So she was stuck here until he said she could go to her room or he got so stoned he passed out which ever came first.

"Let stick the TV on" Stephan suggested before turning it on to some car show.

Sarah's mood lifted at this she was never allowed to watch TV at home and was usually sent to her room when they wanted to watch it. She eagerly awaited the dismissal from Stephan but after 15 minutes she gave up and decided to just enjoy getting to watch the TV for a change that was until a few moments later Stephan got bored of watching cars and switched the adult channel on. Two girls were laying on a bed with nothing but a pair of high heels on, one of the girls had her head between the other ones legs and was licking and sucking at her private area, the noises they were both making made Sarah cringe more desperate than ever to escape to her room.

She turned away from the TV to ask if she could go back into her room hoping Stephan would say yes to find that her mothers skirt was off and Stephan was taking great pleasure in rubbing Sue's clit while he used his other hand to free his hardened member. Not even waiting to ask Sarah got up to leave, she would take what ever punishment he decided to giver her later over having to sit and watch Stephan and her Mother having sex.

"SIT!" Stephan roared at Sarah pulling away from Sue

Sarah felt all the blood drain from her as fear flooded her system. Stephan rarely shouted he didn't need to he was scary enough without shouting so when he did it was never good. Gingerly Sarah sat back down on her seat. Her mother throwing her daggers for interrupting what Stephan was doing to her.

"You know what I'd love. To have a real life showing of that" Stephan smirked nodding to the two girls taking it in turns to give the other oral sex.

"I can phone Isla if you want she's usual up for that sort of thing" Sue suggested sounding irritated

"Why bother? Sarah's here" Stephan smirked looking straight at Sarah. She knew he wouldn't let her get out of this, this was her punishment, unless her Mother refused to do it. Surely for once she would stick up for her, She was her daughter she couldn't do anything like that to her daughter surely.

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