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Sarah woke the next morning feeling better than she had in a long time, there was no monitors bleeping to keep her up or whispered conversations between her Dad and Martha. It was just Sarah, her bump and Jack pressed up against her with his arm wrapped round her resting on her bump, both of them completely naked but incredibly comfortable and warm. She had lost count how many times they had ignored her father's advice and gone at it last night enjoying being able to be in each other's company without someone walking in on them of course they had been careful but it was the best night of Sarah's life by far knowing that she was loved so deeply by a man like Jack who was as old and every bit a lonely god as her father was. She still stared in disbelief at the hand laying on her stomach the one that should someday adorn a wedding band from her even only for a very short time. She placed her own left hand over his and stroked his ring finger lightly so she wouldn't wake him up. Her heart swelling with love and adoration for him that brought tears to her eyes because she couldn't believe he could love someone as broken as she was, someone who still couldn't talk about most of the things that went on in her past, who has had to say goodbye to two son's and was now going to leave a little girl without a mother and guilt washed over her as she thought of her daughter never knowing what it would be like to have her mum put her too bed and read a story or plat her hair none of the things she had always planned she would do with her own daughter. Things that her own mother was too drunk or out of it too do and now she wasn't even going to be here for her little girl at all.

"You're thinking very loudly" Jack mumbled kissing Sarah's bare shoulder.

"Sorry, go back to sleep" Sarah apologised her voice thick with emotion.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Jack asked softly turning Sarah so she was facing him. Sarah buried her head into his chest while Jack wrapped his arms around her shoulders pulling her even closer as she burst into tears. Jack whispered comforting words in her ears and kissed the top of her head while Sarah cried into his chest. Eventually her sobs turned to sniffles before disappearing into small hiccups.

"Are you ok now princess?" Jack asked wearily not wanting to set her off crying again

"Yea sorry, I didn't mean to cry on you like that, you should go back to sleep" Sarah answered wiping her face and sitting up in the bed about to get out of it but Jack pulled her back into the bed.

"It's ok you're allowed to cry you know, hormones and all that" Jack tried to joke but Sarah shot him a dangerous look. "Alright not hormones then" Jack defended with a bit of a laugh "How about breakfast?" He suggested brightly.

"Ok but I gotta shower first, I'm a little sweaty after last night" Sarah answered switching from crying to flirty quicker than Jack could blink.

After a quick shower and changing into a pair of leggings and one of Jack's blue shirts Sarah joined jack in going downstairs for breakfast. It was while they were half way through their English breakfast which Sarah decided was not a patch on the one they got from the café around the corner from the hub that Sarah's phone ran with an unknown number.

"Hello?" Sarah asked once she had answered

"Hello Sarah?" The voice on the other end answered

"Yea, who's this" Sarah answered uneasily

"Oh sorry it's Hannah, sorry completely forgot I'm phoning of Terry's phone" Hannah answered cheerfully and Sarah instantly relaxed "Listen I know we are supposed to have dinner tonight just us and the kids but my mum's turned up, could we do lunch instead? Mum wants to have the kids for a few hours and it would be so great to have lunch without children talking over us" Hannah explained the noise of children playing in the back ground getting louder as she spoke.

"Yes of course. Same place?" Sarah asked

"Yes same place say around 12:30?" Hannah suggested before shouting for her daughter Emma to get down of the counter.

"Great see you then" Sarah answered, just as she hung up she heard a Scottish voice in the back ground say "oh, dear poppet you really are in trouble now aren't you?

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