Meeting the Parents

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Meeting the Family

"Do you not think that my poor mother has been through enough with out the likes of you poking their nose in? If you want a good story go somewhere else" the man roared at the trio

"Sorry we'll just" Sarah started to apologise but was cut off

"I don't know who you think you are sunny but my daughter has just as much right to be here as you do, your relative made her life hell and from some reason I don't even begin to understand she wanted to come and pay her respects and say good bye. So if you've got a problem with that your just as bad as he was" The Doctor shouted back as he pulled himself up to his fall height towering over the terrified looking man.

"Dad it doesn't matter just come on" Sarah tried to pull the Doctor towards the door tears forming in her eyes again.

"Wait! you're Sarah aren't you?" Liam's sister asked coming to stand by her brother. You could really see the family reassembles between the three of them they all had the same striking blue eyes and the same shaped jaw. Sarah just nodded in response to scared to say anything in case his sister started shouting too. Liam's sister stared at her for a moment before throwing her arm's around Sarah and pulling her into a hug making Sarah freeze in shock, she expected anger not a his sister to hug her and start crying on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I just can't believe everything he did to you and I wanted to thank you. If you haven't have spoken up and told someone what was happening then my daughter could have been next so thank you" The woman said pulling away from Sarah and whipping her eyes.

"Your daughter's Sophie right?" Sarah asked remembering Liam mentioning his niece

"Yes how did you?" THe woman frowned confused

"Liam mentioned her a few times, he doted on her he would never have hurt her" Sarah reassured her.

"Sarah I know this might be a bit upsetting for you but we are going to the pub down the road for some lunch, Why don't you join us? We have a few things we would like to discuss with you, If you wouldn't mind that is" Liam's father asked joining in the conversation.

"amm yea sure" Sarah answered nervously

"Excellent, well we just have to go and speak to a woman first but how about we met you there in about half an hour? The pub's called the rose and crown" Liam's father said with a warm smile

"OK see you there" Sarah half smiled back before pulling The Doctor out of the room who was still glaring at Liam's brother.

"Are you sure its a good idea to have lunch with that man?" The Doctor asked obviously still angry at Liam's brother

"Yes I owe them that at lest" Sarah answered looking straight ahead of her as nervous bubbled away in her stomach again.

"You don't owe them anything" The Doctor snapped

"Yes I do! If it wasn't for me Liam wouldn't have gone to prison and he wouldn't have died" Sarah shouted exasperated

"That is the biggest load of nonsense I've ever heard! he hurt you! That could have been you in that coffin" The Doctor said running his hands through his hair in frustration. He was angry angrier than he could ever remember being. How dare some pudding brained pervert make his daughter feel like it was her fault he ended up dead. He didn't usually condone violence but right now he'd love to congratulate whoever killed Liam heck he'd even go back and do it himself.

"OK calm down both of you, doctor why don't you go back to my flat fiddle with the toaster or something and I'll take Sarah to met with his family" Clara suggested trying to calm the pair down.

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