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Sarah's POV

I don't know how long I've been here or how long I will be here for but one thing I do know is sooner or later Jack and my Father will come for me.

They moved me a few days after I woke in the cellar place. I'm not sure how or where too. They filled the cellar with gas that made me sleep and I woke up here. Here being a large room with a bright light, everything was white the walls, the ceiling, the floor even the few bits of furniture that dotted around the room. A chair, a table with a tray full of medical instraments and the bed that I'm laying on. Even the pyjamas they have changed me into are white. One wall was almost completely made up of large mirror, I knew almost instantly that it was 1 way glass like they would use in police stations, why else would you have a mirror that big?

I was laid on the bed with my wrists and ankles handcuffed to it. It wasn't very comfortable but I've gotten used to it now. Every so often either Missy or the woman who I've learnt is called Madam Kavaran will come into the room and either lower or raise the top part of the bed. I learnt pretty quickly that lowering it means they are going to make me sleep again. I never know how long I'm asleep for but I can guess it's a long time because my bump is bigger each time I wake up.

I don't like sleeping, sleeping is when the nightmares come at lest I think they are nightmares, I'm not sure. Simeon is there, always Simeon. Telling me things, whispering them in my ear. I'm worthless, I'm no good. I don't deserve my baby or anyone. No one cares about me. Not Dad not Clara and certainly not Jack. I was just easy sex for Jack why would someone like Jack want me? He shows me things aswell. He shows me what they have been up to in the months that I've been missing. Laughing smiling dancing. Jack with countless other women, It's those dreams that hurt me the most seeing Jack kiss women passionately moaning their names as he cums inside them. They shatter my very soul, ripping my hearts out of my chest and feasting on them.

The door beside the mirror opens, it's the only thing in the room that isnt white instead it's this horrible pale green colour that reminds me of vomit. I can't see the door from were I'm laying but I ear the clicking of Missy's heels against the tiled floor she has a slow predatory walk that would make even a lion run in fear. I close my eyes just listening to the sound of her walk.

"Now now puppy I know you're awake, I always know" Missy said threateningly "it's breakfast time!" She cheers raising the bed.

My view of the room becomes more strategic when I'm sat upright. Missy is stood by my head and there's a woman stood by the end of my bed holding a bowl in her hands.

"Come on dear your never going to be able to feed her from there" Missy purred dangerously

The woman shuffled towards the top end of my bed stopping when she came level with my waist. With shaking hands she picked up the spoon from the bowl and guided it towards my mouth. I have no idea how long it had been since I last ate but my stomach felt so empty and hollow that even the cold salty porridge I was fed felt like a feast. Missy sat on the bed beside me one arm draped over the bed to play with my hair on the other side.

"Now there's a good puppy eating your breakfast nicely you won't bite this one's fingers off sure you won't?" Missy cooed as if she were talking to a baby.

I never bite anyone but I didn't say that I just kept silent. I always stayed silent.

"humpf nothing? No protest of innocence? Your boring puppy" Missy pouted standing up of the bed.

the woman finished feeding me before scurrying off as quick as she could, the porridge feeling heavy and hard in my stomach like I had swallowed bricks and making me feel sick. Missy however stayed beside me running her hand over my large bump.

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