Broken Glass

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A/N some bits may be disturbing theres no discription of it but still you've been warned

An hour later Jack was sat in his office still chuckling at the look on Mickey's face when Sarah hacked the system and trying to get on with some work, he had left the blinds on his window open so he could look out over the team not so he could watch Sarah no not at all she was out of bounds even if he did long to run his fingers through her long hair and feel her lips against his, the time after the virus just wasn't enough not now that she was here the temptation dangling infront of him all day everyday smelling of the raspberry shampoo she loved so much. Jack watched Sarah as she set about reprograming the security to be unhackable, biting that lip of hers again, he swallowed loudly as arousal coursed through him at such a simple act of hers, Sarah's fingers florished over the keys on the keyboard making Jack long to feel them interlocked in his. His mobile phone started ringing pulling him from his thoughts, he quickly looked at the caller id before putting it too his ear.

"Clara Oswald, Eyes of the universe, what can I do for you" Jack greeted slipping into his flirty persona

"Is Sarah with you?" Clara asked seriously over the phone

"She's in the hub yea why?" Jack asked standing infront of the large window now watching Sarah walk over to the coffee table and pick up a glass of water.

"Make sure she doesn't see the news reports until I can get there in a few hours please" Clara answered sounding hurried

"What? Why?" Jack asked confused by the request. He watch as Sarah walked passed Gwen's station say something to Gwen and Marth who were gathered there looking and something before she stoped and staring straight at the computer screen her hand over her mouth. Jack struggled to see what it was on the screen.

"Just please do it I'll explain when I get there" Clara answered sounding like she was running.

Jack watched as the glass in Sarah's hand slipped out of her grasp and crashed to the floor sending shards of glass over the floor, Sarah fell too her knees, her hands clutching her head landing straight in the glass.

"Shit! Clara I think she's seen it" Jack shouted down the phone as he raced from the room and down towards Sarah.

"I'm phoning the Doctor we will be there in a second" Clara said sounding paniced just before the phone cut off Jack tbrough it to one side not caring were it ended up as he ran to Sarah.

Sarah was on the ground shaking her head violently shouting "no, no, no, no" over and over again, tears streaming down her face as memory after memory flashed before her, being raped over and over again, being held down aged 10 while they injected something into her arm being beaten her whole life being stabed with a broken bottle at 15. All her memories from the age of 6 until she was 16 raging to the surface fighting to be remembered first making Sarah feel sick and shakey, she hadn't even noticed the shards of glass that had cut through her jeans and dug into her skin mixing blood with the water that had been in the glass.

"What happened?" Jack asked using his "captain" tone to Gwen and Martha who were trying to get Sarah to move away from the glass without getting cut themselves

"I dunno we were talking about the news and then this happened" Gwen answered sounding slightly paniced

"What was on the news?' Jack asked scooping Sarah up in his arms and carrying her to the medical bay. Sarah tried to push Jack away from her in a panic and begged him not to hurt her her flashbacks becoming so intense she couldn't tell what was memory and what wasn't.

"A pedofile was found dead in his cell this morning" Martha explained following Jack

Jack laid Sarah down on one of the beds in the medical bay and she stoped fighting him and curled up into a ball on her side sobbing to herself. Jack sat on the chair beside her.

"It's ok Sarah you're safe I promise" Jack soothed realising what was wrong he tried stroking her head but she flinched and moved away from him her breathing becoming more rapid.

"We need to calm her down so I can check her over and sort out those cuts" Martha said gathering all her equipment.

"Sarah it's ok its me Jack open your eyes" Jack encouraged.

"Jack?" Sarah choked out her breathing still far to fast.

"Yes see you're in Torchwood we need you to calm down you're hurt" Jack answered daring to put his hand to her head again she didn't move away this time but she didn't calm down either. "Why don't you try sitting up" Jack suggested helping Sarah to sit.

'Sarah!" Clara shouted as she rushed into the room and straight over to Sarah and pulling her into a hug. "Are you ok? Gwen said what happened. I'm so sorry you had to find out that way. I was on my way up to tell you" Clara rambled placing on Sarah's cheek. Sarah's breathing had started to calm down since Clara came in and was almost back to normal.

"Give her a chance Clara" The Doctor half heartedly scolded her entring the room.

"What- What are you two doing here?" Sarah asked breathlessly

"We heard the weather was good" The Doctor shrugged trying not to let Sarah see how worried he was.

"It's ment to be raining" Sarah answered sounding annoyed even tho she still couldn't breath properly

"Ah see you're fine, arguing back already. You take that after your mother" The Doctor exclaimed pointing a boney finger at Sarah.

The reminder of her Mother was the wrong thing to say as more flashbacks hit Sarah causing her breathing to speed up again. She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them causing the glass to dig further into her legs and cause cuts on her inner arms but she didn't feel it. Memories of being forced to preform oral sex on her mother plagued her mind as her arms were pulled away from her by Clara.

"I think we better get your legs and arms sorted before you do more damage" Clara said to Sarah using her best soothing teacher voice "And you stick insect sit over there and don't talk again" Clara scolded the Doctor pointing to a chair on the other side of the room. The Doctor huffed but done as he was told

"My arms and legs?" Sarah asked in a shakey voice looking down at her blood soaked jeans with pieces of glass sticking out of them "Oh" came her reply before she fell back on the bed unconcious.

"Sarah!" gasped Clara

"She's fine just fainted" Jack reassured Clara while tugging a stray piece of hair behind Sarah's ear as gently as he could, A gesture not missed by a watching Doctor.

"Clara stay up by her head she seem's to be calmed by you. I'll start working on her legs" Martha instructed turning to grab her tray with everything she needed on it.

A/N sorry for any mistakes my keyboarded packed in again so writting this on my phone directly onto wattpad and my spelling is awful lol

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