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a/n so I managed to delete this chapter but somehow half of it magically reappeared on my tablet this morning so only had the end to redo I'm not really happy with this chapter but hopefully you guys will be

They arrived shortly after at Vastra's home to find the TARDIS parked in her courtyard and not were they had left it. Which was both surprising and relieving none of them wanted to risk the anger of the mans garden they had landed in which is how they ended up in the cell, trespassing. Vastra had excused her self to deal with the drunk as soon as they arrived and dashed off in the horse carriage.

They entered the home which was surprisingly warm for an old Victorian house,Sarah suspected it had something to do with alien technology and Vastra being cold blooded. A short stalky fellow with a potato like head and wearing a suit approached them, his walk determined and confident despite being shorter than Clara which at 5ft1 was quite hard to beat.

"May I take your coat boy" The potato head spat at Sarah although she could tell by his facial expression it was meant to be polite and he held out is arm to take what ever she handed him

"She's not wearing a coat Strax none of us are and she's a girl not a boy" The Doctor huffed clearly used to Strax's behaviour but still annoyed at it

"Are you sure? He looks like a boy. Shall I check?" Strax asked genuinely confused studying Sarah, who was very confused and slightly creeped out by the exchange.

"No no need to check" The Doctor snapped hitting away the strange magnifying glass type object in Strax pulled out from his jacket pocket

"Doctor! Clara!" Came an excited and happy exclaim from a maid exiting a room off to the right of the hall they were all huddled in "Come on in to the sitting room, I suspect Madam is of dealing with whatever mayhem you have left this time Doctor" The maid teased with a warm smile and leading them into the room she had just come out of.

The room was just what anyone would expect a Victorian sitting room to be. A large fireplace casting a warm and comforting glow around the room, a few high backed Chairs and a sofa. There was a few nick nacks laying around but all in all it seemed very minimalist. The three of them sat along the sofa, the Doctor in the middle. Instinctively he took Clara's hand in his and raised it to his lips to press a small kiss to the back of it, Earning a delighted smile from Jenny who had to struggle to hold in the squill and excited clapping she felt bubbling up in her. Jenny took the seat to the right of the fire place and Strax excused himself to go and make some tea.

"I'm Jenny" the maid introduced herself with a smile holding her hand out for Sarah

"Sarah" Sarah answered shaking Jenny's hand

Strax came back into the room carrying a heavy looking tray full of tea milk sugar tea cups and a few small cakes and stated handing out tea to everyone before grabbing his own tea and cake and disappearing off into the corner of the room licking his lips

"So how did you met the Doctor then?" Jenny asked taking a drink of tea. She genuinely interested she loved hearing stories of the Doctors adventures

"He's my Dad" Sarah explained with a shrug

Jenny chocked slightly on her tea but recovered quickly while Strax dropped his tea cup and it landed with a loud smash on the floor that he didn't even bother to pick up.

"Well now that is news" came Vastra's voice from the doorway clearly just returned from her task as she unbuttoned her black coat. Jenny got up of her chair to help her wife out of her coat and hang it up for her.

"Is this another backwards meeting? Is Clara even pregnant yet?" Vastra asked sinking down in her chair in front of the fire while Jenny poured her a tea

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