Secrets and confessions

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"Snap!" I shouted triumphantly slamming my hand down on the small pile of cards sat on the bed between Jack and I. We had been playing cards for a few hours now and I had won nearly all of them.

"Your cheating you have to be!" Jack chuckled as I picked up the pile of cards leaving Jack with only 2 more of his own.

"I've just got quicker reflexes than you that's all" I smiled placing a new card down on the bed.

"Should have make this strip snap, winner has to remove clothing" Jack flirted

"I think you'll find the rules say it's the Loser that has to do that" I teased leaning closer to Jack

"I invented the game so I can change the rules" Jack whispered seductively moving even closer so our breath mingled together

"You did not invent strip poker" I said in disbelieve leaning back from Jack.

"A gambling game that requires the looser to undress and more often than not leads to sex? do you really think it could be anyone other than me?" Jack said quirking an eyebrow

"I don't know if I should take you serious or not when you say things like that" I laughed

"Hey I'm always serious" Jack protested in mock offense

"Name one thing your serious about" I challenged throwing a card at him.

"You" Jack replied looking me straight in the eyes completely seriously. The intensity of his gaze make me blush as he leaned in and kissed me softly.

"Jack! Emergency Martha and Mickey need our help out at the quarry" Gwen said bursting into my room, completely ruining the moment.

"Is Clara back yet?" Jack asked as he sat up and pulled his boots on.

"No not yet" Gwen answered

"I'll be fine, Dad's just in his TARDIS if I need anything" I reassured Jack when he stopped lacing up his boots and turned to look at me.

"you promise you won't get out of bed? And call your dad if you need anything?" He asked reluctantly

"Cross my hearts. now go be a captain, your team needs you" I said pushing him towards the door.

"I won't be long, promise" Jack said giving both me and my bump a quick kiss before running out the door with Gwen.

I waited the standard 10 Minutes before getting out of bed and heading towards the main hub as quickly and quietly as a heavy pregnant woman who hasn't been out of bed in months could. I headed straight for my desk and waited for the desktop to start up drumming my fingers on the desk impatiently. I needed to be quick, Clara could come back any minute. Finally, the desk top loaded up and I began to work quickly putting up firewalls so the guys out on the field couldn't see that had logged on or what I was doing. I needed a train ticket to London for as soon as possible.

I was just about to check out when I heard voices. I quickly opened a new tab for mothercare just as my Dad and Clara appeared round the corner.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Clara scolded

"I've a baby due in about a month and nothing for her so I'm shopping" I lied with a smile

"You could have asked for a laptop" Clara pointed out

"I was bored and needed out of that room before I went insane!" I retorted slightly dramatically

"You're lying" Dad accused "And don't try and deny it, I can tell"

"Don't be silly why would I lie?" I laughed nervously.

"No idea but you are. I'm your father I know these things" Dad said stubbornly.

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