No No absolutely not

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No No absolutely not.

Sarah and Clara were talking back to the console room laughing and gossiping about everything they had missed in the 3 days since there last phone call. Sarah was so caught up in the story Clara was telling her about the three headed merpeople that she didn't realise Jack was heading in their direction.

"Fight you for him" Clara joked nodding in Jack's direction making Sarah blush and smile shyly.

"Ah what about my father who you are meant to be hopelessly in love with" Sarah teased back, she loved how easy it was to joke with Clara no matter what was wrong or what had happened Clara always made her feel better.

"He can join in too, not like we haven't shared before" Clara shrugged

"Eww gross, did not need to know that" Sarah complained scrunching her face up in disgust and lightly back handing Clara's arm.

"Ouch, was that necessary" Clara faked hurt rubbing the spot Sarah had hit.

"I could ask you the same thing" Sarah huffed

"You're just jealous you won't get to join in on the crazy hot sex" Clara said in a sing song voice as she skipped.

"Crazy hot sex, I hope you're talking about me" Jack flirted with a wink in Sarah's direction.

"You'll never ever know" Clara flirted back playfully

"Well I need to burrow Sarah is that OK?" Jack asked Clara with a grin

"Burrow her sure" Clara answered in a suggestive tone walking away "Don't forget protection" she called over her shoulder laughing, making Sarah's face go red in embaressment

"Told her then" Jack smirked raising an eyebrow at Sarah and resting his hands on her hips pulling Sarah closer to him so his pelvis was pushed against her stomach.

"Yea I needed to ask her about the mind link thingy" Sarah answered shyly trying to ignore the butterfly's that had just erupted in her stomach "she has no idea by the way why its lasted so long other than its something else" She added in a rush with her head down looking at Jack's chest unable to met his eye.

"I only bite in bed you know" Jack whispered lifting Sarah's head up by her chin. Their eye's met and Sarah's breath hitched as she stared into Jack's baby blue eye's all her worries and past evaporated in that moment as she lost her self in him. She unconsciously bit her lower lip as her mind became flooded with not so innocent thoughts threw their mental link.

"You shouldn't share those kinds of thoughts Mr Harkness" Sarah whispered as their faces subconsciously came closer together.

"Oh no that is all you Miss Smith, I can't project my thoughts like that" Jack breathed against Sarah's face their lips millimetres apart, Sarah blushed realising they were her own thoughts and bit her lip again making Jack let out a low moan almost like a growl before crashing his lips to hers in a heated kiss.

A door suddenly appeared beside them and Jack kicked the door open guiding Sarah inside never breaking their kiss. It was a large cupboard with just enough room for them both to stand. It would have to do. Jack spun Sarah round so her back was too him and placed rough kissing up her neck leaving one or two marks as he bit and sucked some of them making Sarah moan. Their movements became filled with urgency as their mental connection became stronger again and they fed of each others arousal making them both almost frantic with need. Jack pushed Sarah's tights down quickly and forcefully causing them to rip slightly and he plunged his fingers into Sarah's core hard making her gasp out.

Flashbacks suddenly forced their way into Sarah's mind making her freeze in terror. She remembered Liam pushing her to the ground her face held down into the dirt, She could taste the dirt in her mouth and feel the bugs crawling on her face. Liam pulled the leggings she had on off of her and ripped her pants with his bare hands. His entire body vibrating with anger.

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