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a/n bit of a short one but two updates in one day woop, im quite proud of this chapter even ifit did only take about an hour to write. enjoy

Sarah was running, her breath came in short sharp breaths that seemed to echo all around and her heart pumped so hard she feared it would jump out of her chest. She could hear her bare feet pounding of the wet ground but she felt detached from them as if they belonged to someone else, her mind was back in that flat but her body was moving as fast and far away from it as possible. The cold night air was biting against her exposed legs thanks to the shorts she was wearing and the tight vest top did nothing to help with cold around the top of her body but she didn't notice, she couldn't because if she noticed she'd stop and if she stopped he'd get her. Her large gold hooped earrings flapped up and down as she ran, she wanted to take them out, she hated them but they were a gift from one of the men so she had to wear them. Her chest started to burn in need of oxygen and she almost stopped until she heard it.

"Saaarrrraaaahhh" Came the creepy sing song voice but she couldn't tell were it was coming from it was too dark, the street lights had gone out again and it was pitch black but it made Sarah push away the burning in her chest and the ache that formed in her legs and ran even faster

"I know you're out here Sarah I can hear you, I can smell you" The voice teased making an over exaggerated sniffing noise.

Sarah ran faster almost tripping over her own feet in the hurry, she needed to get away she knew there was a main road near here someone, she could run there and get help and be taken away from this hell whole once and for all she could just about hear the sound of the cars flying up and down the road, She just had to keep going and get there and she'd be safe that was it, she was almost there.

"You can't get away from me Sarah, You're mine I own you" The voice echo's in her ears just about audible over the thudding of her heart.

She could see the light from the main road now, she just needed to keep running towards it, that was her freedom. No more being beaten or raped by mums boyfriend, no more sex parties, no more of the training classes her mother made her have, She'd be free from it all, she was so close as she ran the light got bigger and brighter, she was almost there just up the small bank of grass and that was it she let out a small laugh in excitement and then she was grabbed by her ponytail.

"Not so fast sweetheart" Stephan snarled into her face as he gripped her hair tighter wrapping it around his wrist and pulling her towards him "No one runs away from me and gets away with it" he spat at her.

Stephan pulled Sarah's back flush against his front, his breath smelt of scotch and cigarettes. Sarah wanted to scream and kick but her body was too tired from running to fight him. "I'll show you what happens to girls who run away from me" he whispered into her ear before biting it so hard it bleed, he continued his assault of biting down her neck and over her shoulder. Sarah had to bite her lip to keep from screaming in agony, she knew if he did he would make it worse for her so she stayed as quiet as she could, her eyes filling up with tears. She felt him start to take his belt off and her body trembled in fear. Without warning he threw her to the ground, whipping her as she fell.

"SARAH" The Doctor shouted making her jump awake

She was unsure where she was for a minute and all she could smell was scotch, her reflexes kicked in and she jumped away from the Doctor who was towering over her and crashed into Clara.

"It's OK Sarah, you're fine its just us" Clara soothed pulling Sarah into a hug crushing Sarah's hand against her face, it was only then she realised that she was crying . The Doctor tried coming close to Sarah again to make sure she was OK but she caught the smell of his breath and pushed closer to Clara in fear, she knew he wasn't Stephan but that smell sent fear into her hearts and she couldn't stop it.

"It's me Sarah, I won't hurt you, you're safe" The Doctor assured her, it hurt him that his daughter would react to him in this way when he had no idea why.

"Scotch" Sarah whispered against Clara's shoulder.

The Doctor's eyes widened in horror when he realised what was wrong and instantly left to go brush his teeth, by the time he came back Sarah had calmed down and was sleeping again with Clara laid beside her stroking her hair, He climbed into the bed beside Clara and wrapped his arms around her cuddling in as close to her as he could.

"Thank you" he whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek lovingly.

a/n let me know what you think :-) xxx

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