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The doctor and Clara returned to the TARDIS to find Sarah unconscious on the floor and the TARDIS in a bit of a panic, the inside lights where flashing and whirling and she was making constant beeping noises in an effort to wake Sarah up.

"Sarah" The Doctor gasped running to check on her, he could just about feel her pulse and her breathing was slow and shallow so he scooped her up and raced her towards the medical bay

"Don't worry old girl she'll be fine" Clara soothed the TARDIS petting the console feeling very silly even after all these years she still couldn't get used to talking to a alive machine.

The Doctor placed Sarah on one of the hospital beds in the room and pulled out a medical scanner and scanned her head to toe, physically everything was fine she hadn't hurt herself in anyway but when he did a brain scan it was a completely different story, programming young Sarah's brain with this Sarah close by had caused her brain to short circuit and start shutting down, he could save her but it would mean going back into her mind.

The Doctor pushed into her mind once more, this time her mind wasn't filled with fear instead it was replaced with self doubt and not feeling worthy enough to be his daughter, he found the pride of having the Doctor as her father but the weight of what that means to her, the friendly love and admiration for Clara as well as they heartbreaking ache she felt for Wyatt and James. Trying not focus too much on Sarah's thoughts and feelings he pushed passed her memories new ones added to younger Sarah's her Gran's funeral, running away from home, giving birth alone and afraid but the bad ones weren't as prominent he couldn't see as many details or feel the emotions as much as he had before the happy memories felt like he was reliving them they were so clear. Wyatt's first word, taking his first steps, Sarah chasing after him in a playground covered in snow, her first alien planet travelling in time Finding out she was the Doctor's daughter. the Doctor lapped up her good memories taking in every single one enjoying his daughters happiness. He pushed further past that and too the problem, he needed to erase everything that happened in Sarah's Gran's house, she could never know they had been there, he had to bury it deep so it could never be remembered or the paradox would make her brain burn out.

"Is she OK?" Clara asked she had came in while the Doctor was in Sarah's mind and sat on the chair opposite the bed biting on her thumb with nerves

"She will be she's sleeping now, had to completely wipe the last hour or so off her memory so don't mention anything about being at her Gran's or younger Sarah or the whispermen just in case" The Doctor explained flopping down on a bed beside Sarah's completely exhausted one complete mind merge was tiring never mind two that quickly

"Do you need anything?" Clara asked walking over to him

"You" The Doctor whispered moving over so Clara could lie beside him.

Clara took of the Doctor's shoes before taking off her own and laying down beside him sliding up the bed slightly so they could be face to face. Instantly the Doctor wrapped his arms around Clara and pulled her in tight burying his face into her hair inhaling her scent that was so very Clara floral with a hint of apple in perfect balance so you could smell both without one over powering the other. His Clara forever the control freak just as he liked it. Clara had reached up and started running her hand through his hair as she had done time and time again after a particularly hard day. normally it helped relax him but this time it just wasn't enough and as he curled into his lover's arms and buried his head further into her neck, anger and sorrow flooded through his body, the after effects off Sarah's emotions in her memories. Eventually his eyes closed and his mind stilled as he feel asleep safe and comforted in Clara's arms.

a/n sorry its so short the next one will be better and longer I promise but hey managed to sneeky in some whoufflaldi :-) let me know what you think? :-) xxx

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