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Clara and the Doctor were sat in the common room of the Torchwood living quarters. Jack and Sarah had gone out to get dinner for everyone, leaving them alone.

"Why didn't you tell me you planned on having kids with River?" Clara asked acussingly

"It wasn't important, it wasn't possible so there was no point" The Doctor shrugged

"Not important? of course its important! you planned on having children with another woman!" Clara snapped starting to get angry

"Why are you mad? it was when I couldn't remember you. I was lonely and we had 24 years on a planet together" The Doctor explained getting defensive

"Why am I mad? because Doctor I've been trying to get you to talk about having a baby together for ages and you just change the subject every single time and now I find out you planned a baby with your ex wife. Why is she more important than me?" Clara shouted standing up from the sofa she was sat on.

"I wonder whats taking Sarah and Jack so long?" The Doctor wondered out loud trying to change the subject.

"No Doctor don't you dare! so help me if you change the subject this time I will slap you so hard you'll regenerate" Clara threatened tears starting to form in her eyes.

She felt so angry and hurt that the Doctor wouldn't even talk to her about it. they were ment to talk about everything together.

"Fine Clara lets talk about it. Tell me how do you plan on us having a baby together? Our baby will be in constant danger! Races from all over the universe will want to kill or kidnap the baby. UNIT will want it and do exactly what they did to Sarah. I can't settle down on earth theres so many people and planets out there that need my help. The TARDIS is too risky for a baby! So come on then tell me! tell me how!" The Doctor demanded shouting just as loud as Clara.

Clara stared at him for a moment shocked at his out burst, tears starting to fall from her eyes before her anger welled up again and she slapped him across the face.

"Don't" Clara whispered angerly. "Don't you dare treat me like a child of course I know all off that! but I also know that we would protect our baby at all costs" Clara shouted

"You don't know that! I've failed at it before I will most likely fail at it again" The Doctor responded souding defeated as he sat back down and put his head in his hands pulling at his hair.

Clara softened instantly seeing the Doctor look so vunrable and defeated. She sat down beside him, pulling his hands away from his head and giving him a small smile.

"I'm sorry" She whispered softly placing a lingering kiss on his cheek were she had hit him. "You've never failed tho Doctor and you never will"

The Doctor scoffed at that knowing just how much he had failed over the years "Oh Clara how I wish that was true. I have failed so many times no so more than as a father" The Doctor sighed.

"Everyone makes mistakes Doctor than doesn't mean you've failed" Clara assures the Doctor.

"All bar one of my children are dead because of me and the one thats still alive went through hell growing up and now trusts me so little thats shes gone and got herself pregnant by an immortal paradox causing walking inuendo" The Doctor snapped putting his head back in his head.

"You never said you had more children" Came Sarah's voice from the door way making the Doctors head snap up quickly "And Jack's not that bad you need to give him a chance. You used to like him" Sarah pointed it.

"You never asked if I had any other children" The Doctor answered ignoring her comment about Jack.

"Didn't think you'd tell me even if I did" Sarah shrugged sadly placing the food on the coffee table infront of the sofa.

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