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a/n Whouffaldi was reguested so here you go.

A few days later the TARDIS landed in Paris 12th February 2015 to be exact, this was the Doctor's Christmas present for the girls, 2 days no Alien invasions no end of world disasters and no running for their lives. He had even promised them a day in Disney, Sarah couldn't wait she had always wanted to go to Disney. Clara however was more excited about going shopping in Paris.

They stepped out of the TARDIS right into the middle of the city, people rushing to their destinations with little to no care of what was around them all bundled up against the cold February wind that nipped at their noses. Clara and Sarah linked arms with the Doctor as they walked down the street mouths open and eyes wide at everything around them. The Doctor watched Clara's reaction as she soaked in the culture.

Further up the path was a man sat on the ground with a mat in front of him doing a magic trick for some tourists, Clara watched with amusement as a second man came running up the street shouting "Police, Police" In French but thanks to the TARDIS they heard it in English and the first man scooped up his mat and ran as fast as he could after him, seconds later a French policeman riding his bike came flying past in pursuit of the two men. The three of them looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"Right where too first?" The Doctor asked

"Shopping" Clara answered before he had even finished the question

"Clara the TARDIS has an infinite wardrobe you never need to go shopping" The Doctor sighed as if he was talking to a small child

"We can't come to Paris and not go shopping now come on its already 12 o'clock" Clara laughed dragging the Doctor and Sarah off in a random direction.

They spent hours going in and out of different shops, Clara was in her element looking through rail after rail of clothing, pulling the odd dress or top out that she liked to try on and a few that would suit Sarah and making her try them on.

The Doctor was assigned "Chief bag carrier" meaning he was the one stuck carrying all the shopping bags they acquired and quite frankly while sitting outside what felt like the millionth dressing room he was bored not just the typical bored but properly utterly and completely bored so he decided to try playing with his sonic to ease his boredom a bit, he found a setting he hadn't used before it made objects move using the sonic waves. He pointed the sonic at a rail of clothing in front of him with the intention of watching it zoom side to side but it didn't budge which made him let out a frustrated moan.

"Doctor!" Clara shrieked from her dressing room beside him, the curtain now fully open revealing Clara in nothing but a red lace bra matching French knickers and heels.

The Doctor's eyes trailed down over Clara's rounded breasts down past her perfectly toned stomach, lingering slightly at her red panties before trailing down her legs to her black heels, this incarnation had a bit of a fetish for high heels and his mouth suddenly went very dry and he swallowed hard, trying to stop something else from hardening.

"Down boy" Clara flirted feeling very empowered under his stare.

"Clara" The Doctor breathed swallowing hard again

Clara just laughed and dragged him to the changing room pulling the curtain across once he was inside and kissed him softly at lest it started softly but as soon as his hands touched her bare waist Clara's desire took over and she pinned him against the wall between hers and Sarah's changing room kissing him roughly and he kissed back just as fierce. The Doctor broke the kiss to kiss Clara's weak spot behind her ear earning him a moan from her, He started moving the kisses down her neck gently biting and sucking the flesh as he did so making Clara moan again.

"You are aware I can hear you two right?" Sarah asked from the other changing room, making Clara jump away from the Doctor, her face going nearly as red as her underwear, she had completely forgot where they were and that Sarah was in the next cubicle.

They left the shop quickly after that, It was dark outside now and Clara decided she had, had enough of shopping for today and was hungry, they found a little cafe not far from where they were, the inside looked like a posh British bar and it was quite small with only a few tables, they sat down at the closest table.

"You know I expect that sort of thing from Clara but you are meant to have some sort of control Mr timelord" Sarah teased after they had ordered some dinner.

"I have perfect control Sarah" The Doctor snapped

"Didn't sound like it" she laughed

"Didn't feel like it either" Clara joined in with the teasing

"You started it!" The Doctor exclaimed pointing at Clara

"Yea but I'm only human and little" Clara pretended to pout in a small voice fluttering her eyelashes at him

"Don't do that with the eyes" he warned making both women laugh, he hated when she used her eyes against him they always made him cave.

"How about visiting the Eiffel tower after this?" Clara suggested taking a bite out of her hotdog that had just arrived

"Yes! Dad please I've always wanted to see it in real life" Sarah asked excitedly

"We can't come to Paris and not go up to the top now can we?" He answered with a smile

"The top seriously?" Clara laughed

"Yep VIP" The Doctor nodded taking out his psychic paper and tapping it against the table.

After Dinner they headed straight to the Eiffel tower, even late at night there wee lots of people gathered round the base of it, it looked breath taking light up, men with huge hop's filled with different sized Eiffel tower trinkets walked around the outside of it trying to sell them to tourists. The line for the lifts to go up in the tower was about 200-300 people long but the Doctor walked straight past them all pulling Clara and Sarah with him right to the front of the que and flashed the spotty faced teenager there his psychic paper.

"Oh Mr President Sir, Sorry I wasn't made aware of your visit this evening, go on up" The teenager spluttered.

They rode up to the very top in the glass elevator. Clara and Sarah couldn't contain there excitement and were fidgeting and giggling like school kids, the Doctor however looked completely calm although inside he was just as excited as they were. Once the lift doors opened and they were met by the view of the whole city beneath there feet, All three of them were stunned into silence, it was beautiful.

"Compliments of the tower" A older looked waiter greeted them with a glass of champagne each which Sarah refused saying she doesn't drink. The Doctor and Clara however took Thiers and sipped on it as they walked around the tower, Sarah had gone of in the other direction leaving the Doctor and Clara alone.

"It's beautiful" Clara said as the looked out over the skyline her am linked round the Doctors and her head resting against the top of his arm.

"Yes it is, look you can see the Musee d'Orsay from here" The Doctor pointed to a building in the distance "I took Van Gough there once to see all his paintings with Amy, he painted sunflowers for her"

Clara didn't respond to that she felt strangely jealous when he mentioned Amy his past regeneration was very attached to her and sometimes she wondered if he still was, it also reminded her that eventually she would leave him too and see didn't want to think about that so instead she stood up onto her tip toes and placed a small kiss to his lips.

"I love you" The Doctor whispered to Clara. her breath caught in her throat he hadn't said that before of course she knew he did he showed her often but he had never said it until now.

"I love you too" Clara beamed at him

"To us" The Doctor toasted clinking his glass against Clara's

"To us" She echoed

a/n its quite hard to do too much Whouffaldi cause the Story is mostly from Sarah's point of veiw but I hope this worked ok let me know what you think :-)

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