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A/N I'm so so sorry its taken me forever to update this. Depression has been kicking my ass lately. That and being a single mummy to 3 kids who have decided they don't like sleeping all night anymore has just sucked all motivation in me to write but I'm getting there so here's a slightly longer than normal chapter for you as an apology, its not edited because I wanted to get it up asap so sorry for any mistakes. enjoy xxx


The Doctor was fiddling with one of the many knobs on the TARDIS console, it had become a bit sticky and hard to move when flying her so he was oiling and polishing it with a soft yellow cloth, making it as good as new. He looked around the console room Mickey and Martha were sat down on the lower level playing a game of cards, he felt a twinge of guilt when he remembered how badly he treated them both in his tenth incarnation, he didn't realise of course until well after he was too caught up on Rose at the time but he was glad they found what they were looking for in each other. Gwen was sat on the upper level with her legs tangling over the edge looking around her, she had coped pretty well when he had shown her Earth from above and the dinosaurs better than most pudding brains would have, she would have made a great companion for another face this one just wanted Clara who was sat on his leather arm chair that she had been told repetitively not to sit on because she disturbed the indent he had left on it. She reading he couldn't see what it was from here but he guessed it was probably another Jane Austin book, she had become obsessed with those after they had gone to visit her last year.

THe Doctor loved just watching Clara read, he loved the expression's she made when she came to certain parts in the book confusing sorrow furry and happiness. She would gush for hours and hours after about the characters she read about sometimes making the Doctor jealous of the way she spoke about men in the book but she always reassured him with a small kiss and a laugh that he was the only man human or not for her.

There's a tale back on Gallifrey that every regeneration has a one true love and if your extremely lucky you'll have the same one for them all. For century's the Doctor believed his first wife back on Gallifrey to be his one and only love, she was the girl he married had five wonderful children with and the woman he buried before running away. He was one of the lucky ones and then Rose that little 19 year old pink and yellow human ran into his life and captured the hearts of his 9th and 10th regeneration, the parts in his mind reserved for them still ached with longing for her, one of the hardest things he had ever done was leaving her on that beach but she softened his hardened heart made him capable of loving again and then River came along all fire and hair, she was dangerous and flirty how could his 11th self resist? Clara came along and his past self fancied her and wanted her all to himself but his hearts belonged to River and then he regenerated and Clara was the first face this face saw, all wide eyed and perfectly sexy she stole his hearts instantly, his first love of this cycle and he knew instantly that she was engraved on his soul forever just like his first wife, Rose and River faded with the regeneration but those two never would for as long as he lived.

The Doctor looked away from Clara and finished working on the console cleaning and polishing all the buttons, switches levers and knobs.

"You're tickling her you know and she doesn't like it" Sarah's voice called from the door that leads to the rest of the TARDIS. The Doctor looked up at her and frowned in confusion, there was something different about her he could sense it but he couldn't figure out what it was and not for the first time he wished that Sarah had grew up with him, he would have had a telepathic bond with her is she had and he would have been able to tell instantly what was different but he couldn't and it annoyed him, She was wearing Clara's clothes but he was sure it wasn't that, although why the TARDIS gave her Clara's clothes instead of her own was a mystery.

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