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"Remember this is for emergencies only! You drive down and back, only use this if you really have to. Time travel without a vehicle is rough and we don't want to risk premature labour" Dad warned for the millionth time while sonicing Jack's vortex manipulator so it would work again.

"Yes dad we know; trust me we don't want to risk losing any time together" I said sincerely hooking my arm around Jack's

"And that's another thing. I know you like to have relations but it's too risky" Dad warned going pink with embarrassment

"Is that true?" I asked him raising an eyebrow

"Well ah you know it's mostly true" Dad spluttered embarrassed

"What he means is yes its true but if your gentle and not at it all the time, it should be OK" Martha laughed.

I stuck my tongue out at Dad before hugging everyone goodbye and getting into the car. Jack had decided it was better to drive down that way we wouldn't need to rely on public transport in London and I wouldn't have to walk any further than necessary, which frankly I thought was a bit over kill but it was that or not go.

By the time we had finished the 2 and half hour drive, I was exhausted and very uncomfortable, my hips clicked as I waddled up the steps to the hotel Jack had booked and my back felt like it might snap at any moment.

"So I have a bit of a surprise for you" Jack said excitedly "I've booked us in here for 5 nights not 2, call it a bit of a pre-baby holiday and I've booked you a full pregnancy pamper day that you can use whenever you want"

"Really?" I asked getting excited

"Really" Jack confirmed laughing

"Thank you thank you thank you" I cheered pulling Jack into a hug with difficultly thanks to my ever growing bump.

"No problem princess" Jack laughed "Captain Jack Harkness" Jack flirted with the woman behind the reception desk who instantly became a blubbering mess and I just rolled my eyes I was so used to Jack flirting with everyone and everything it didn't bother me, it's just who he is.

I used the opportunity to look around me. The lobby looked like it belonged to a really expensive hotel, the floors where made from marble making it a little slippy under my feet. A huge chandelier hung from the ceiling in the middle of the large open lobby it was made from thousands of tiny little crystals and reflected the light around the room. The walls where painted a rich cream colour with large expensive looking paintings in gold frames dotted here and there. Directly opposite the reception desk was the golden elevators.

I looked back at Jack and noticed him now flirting with a dark skinned man with a shaved head dressed smartly in black trousers and a white shirt with the hotel logo on and a name tag saying his name was Lorenzo.

"I'll be back in a moment princess just going to get our luggage" Jack smiled kissing me on the head before leaving with Lorenzo.

"It's so nice to see a father take interest in his daughter a lot of men I see come in here don't really care they just want to get their leg over the prettiest 20 something year old they can find" The woman smiled, she had long blonde hair that was tied up in a plat and large brown eyes her name badge read "Ashley"

"He told you the baby was a girl?" I asked confused

"No he never mentioned the baby" Ashley frowned sounding just as confused as I was.

"Then what- wait you think Jack's my father?" I laughed "Jack is my fiancé this is his baby" I explained pointing down to my large stomach

"Oh. Am. I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to cause any offence" Ashley stammered embarrassed

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