Memory Lane

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A/N sorry havnt updated in ages should be back to normal now. Picture I just had to share of my son on his birthday cos playing 12 with a fez lol xxx

The Doctor was bent over the console absentmindedly flicking a few of the levers not really caring what they were doing altho he was pretty certain the TARDIS had made sure to shut them down so they weren't doing anything.

He was thinking, Clara would say brooding if she had been here but she had gone off too book some human to do the wedding for Sarah and Jack so he was alone with his thoughts. He looked up at the chalk boards sitting on the upper level full of different ways he had thought of to try and save Sarah all of which ended the same way. Failure.

The more he looked at the chalk boards the more they seemed to mock him, taunting him, screaming down at him that he was a failure until he could take it no more and stormed up the steps to get to them. The Doctor began angerly rubbing the chalk of the board unable to look at his failings anymore, the wooden block eraser slipped from his hand and fell to the ground with loud bang that echoed around the console room. That small failure of being unable to keep hold of the eraser made The Doctors anger and frustration bubble over and he began hitting and punching the board as hard as he possibly could, his knuckles becoming swollen and bloody but he didn't care he needed to let his emotions out he punched faster and harder. "Stupid, stupid Doctor" He cried with each slap of his knuckles against the hard slate. Cracks appearing along it completely unnoticed by the angerly timelord until finally his hand went straight through the slate and punched the TARDIS wall behind it. The Doctor cried out in pain as he felt something in his hand break. Instead of stopping him the break just fueled his anger and he picked the broken pieces of the chalkboard up and threw them over the the side down to the main part of the console room with a loud and angry scream.

As the broken pieces flew through the air the door to the TARDIS opened and Clara Oswald stepped inside narrowly avoiding being hit by the projectile. She let out a small screech of surprise as it landed at her feet with an almost deafening bang!

Eyes wide and heart thumbing wildly in her chest Clara scanned the room for the Doctor. Her eyes landed on his standing on the upper level, his grip on the railing turning the none bloody and swollen parts of his knuckles white, his face full of thunder despite the tears unnoticed to the timelord that had ran down his cheeks making them wet. His breathing was heavy and erratic adding to the powerful and scary image he was projecting. Why Clara did not know. Clara stepped over the broken chalk board and raced to her Doctors side, throwing her arms around him as soon as she got close enough.

"Come on let's get you patched up" Clara said softly leading the Doctor softly towards the med bay by his elbow, surprisingly he didn't even protest he just followed behind her silently looking more and more vulnerable the further away from the console room they got.

Clara lead The Doctor to one of the Chairs in the med bay and lowered him down on it. The Doctor continued to just stare ahead giving no indication that he was awear they had even left the console room. Carefully and delicately Clara set about cleaning and bandaging the Doctors hand using supplies she found sat on the bench waiting. It seems the old girl felt sorry for her injured thief.

"I'm sorry" The Doctor whispered just as Clara was finishing wrapping the bandage around the Doctors purple and swollen hand. They had both been so quiet as Clara worked that she jumped slightly when he spoke.

"You could have been hurt and it would have been my fault. I'm so sorry Clara" The Doctor apologised cupping Clara's face with his uninjured hand his voice corse and thick with emotion.

"It's ok you didn't know I was there" Clara reassured him putting her hand over the one on her face and leaning into his touch.

"Doesn't matter I shouldn't have lost my temper like that I'm sorry" The Doctor grumbled ashamed of himself.

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