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A few days later Sarah was stood leaning against the railings of Cardiff bay harbour, it was late at night so it was completely dark outside except for the light bouncing of the still water from the full moon. The stars twinkled above like a million diamonds high in the sky. Sarah stared up at them trying to imagine which one her dad and Clara would be off saving right now and then she thought of Wyatt and how he would be up there training to become the great warrior who could destroy so many planets and take so many life's before realising the error of his ways and becoming a force for good, Wyatt the saviour of the universe he would become known as, pride swelled within Sarah, her boy that small little 18 month old little boy would save the universe in a few hundred years and she had the privilege of being called his mummy for a short time. Her thought turned to James. The son she never got to know, the son she failed to save.

"James?" Sarah whispered into the nigh air "I know you probably can't hear me but if there is any chance you can please just listen" Sarah sighed tears prickling at the corner of her eyes. "I miss you every single day there's not a single day that goes by that I don't think of you and wonder what you would have looked like or sounded like, what your favourite food would have been, all those little details that make up you, that made me your mum to know them. I failed you so so badly and I'm sorry. If I had known maybe I could have found away out sooner and you could have been safe but I didn't and I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" Tears started to flow down Sarah's face freely as she spoke.

"I'm scared James and I don't know what to do. I'm pregnant, you're going to be a big bother and I don't think I can do it. I already lost you and Wyatt, I couldn't take it if I lost this baby too but how could I possibly not? I know I'm being punished for things I done for Stephan, the universe is getting back at me. Taking the people I care most about away from me, it took you and then Wyatt, This baby is next I know it and that terrifies me" Sarah confessed staring out into the harbour.

Sarah was too lost in her own world talking to James that she didn't notice the figure stood in the shadows by the wall listening to her talk, she didn't hear the click of his shoes against the ground as he walked up behind her, she didn't feel the slight breath on the back of her neck as he got closer to her not until he reached up a hand silently and placed it on her shoulder spinning her round to face him. Sarah let out a small yelp of surprise as her hearts hammered in her chest and fear clouded her mind. She looked up into the face of the man who had terrified her.

"Jack!" Sarah breathed out in relief "You idiot you sacred me to death!" Sarah scolded him hitting his arm that was still holding onto her shoulder.

"Did you really mean what you just said?" Jack asked searching Sarah's face for something what she couldn't tell

"That you scared me? yea" Sarah answered hoping to avoid answering his question properly

"Sarah you know what I mean, there now when you were talking to James"
jack snapped impatiently, she obviously wasn't going to get out of this one.

"Yes, I meant it" Sarah whispered looking down unable to meet Jack's eye

"Why? why would you even think that? you're not being punished, you're the most perfect person in the universe you've nothing to be punished for" Jack asked cradling Sarah's face and forcing her to look at him, both of them had tears in their eyes.

"I'm not perfect Jack I'm far far from it, I've done things, horrible things" Sarah started tears falling again

"And you think I haven't?" Jack interrupted his voice breaking with unshed tears. He hated seeing Sarah cry when he couldn't fix it.

"Everything you have ever done was for the greater good" Sarah answered

"And everything you've ever done is because you've had no choice" Jack stressed to Sarah looking straight into her eyes

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