Boat Rocking

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Sarah awoke the next morning, her head hurt and she felt very strange like she was on a boat during a storm, everything seemed to be moving and rocking even though she could tell the TARDIS was still. She slowly opened her eyes half expecting to see the room swaying from side to side but it was perfectly stationary and she wasn't sure if that was good or bad. With a groan she sat up and looked around, she was in the medical bay and it looked like the cot beside her had been slept in but was now empty, the door to the med bay open. Holding onto anything she could for balance Sarah hopped off the bed and made her way to the console room running her hand along the wall.

"Why do I feel like I'm on a ship?" Sarah asked flopping down on one of the crew chairs and closing her eyes while rubbing at her temples

"You are on a ship" The Doctor answered not even turning round from his chalk board just continuing writing in Gallifreyan

"A boat then, why do I feel like I'm on a boat my head feels like everything's moving but nothing is" Sarah asked exasperated holding her head in her hands

"You do?" The Doctor asked concerned running down from the upper level to Sarah to lift her eye lids and check her eyes

"Uh Go away" Sarah snapped swiping is hands away from her face

"Someone's grumpy" Clara chuckled coming into the control room with 3 mug's, 2 coffee's and one hot chocolate.

"You would be too if you were getting sea sick without being at sea" Sarah grumbled taking her hot chocolate in her favourite Harry Potter mug

They spent the next few minutes in silence each drinking their morning pick me up's, Sarah's head still felt wobbly but her thoughts had started to become a bit clearer although she suspected the TARDIS was helping a little because she could feel their mental connection stronger than normal. She had read about Timelord's experiencing these sort of symptoms but she never thought she would even experience them herself.

"I can not believe you!" Sarah shouted angry making Clara jump at the sudden loud noise "You changed something about me!" she stood up glaring at the Doctor

"Don't be so silly Sarah, why would I do that?" The Doctor lied smirking

"No! don't you dare! don't you dare lie to me! Not when I know the truth, I'm not stupid" Sarah shouted getting louder and louder.

"Your my daughter you could never be stupid" The Doctor answered sincerely.

"Then why treat me like I am!" Sarah exclaimed

"You need to trust me Sarah, Trust is paramount in our lives" The Doctor said walking over to Sarah and placing his hands on her arms.

"So you did do something!" She shouted pushing his hands away in disgust

"Only to help you, for your own good"

"No! you don't get to choose what's best for me, that's for me to decide not you!" Sarah shrieked.

"I'm your father Sarah, that gives me the right to decided what I think is best for you" The Doctor started shouting too now.

"You can not just change my memories!" Sarah shouted throwing her arms out in outrage.

Clara who had been sat watching them argue trying not to get involved, she learnt the hard way during a few of their many arguments that trying to defuse the situation just made them both shout more and usually at her, so silently without saying anything with practised movements Clara removed Sarah's sonic bangle, the last thing she wanted it for the Doctor to loose his eyebrows again they had finally grown back to there attack eyebrow state after her latest arson attempt on them a few months ago.

"I'll do what I need to do to keep you safe" The Doctor shouted pointing a boney finger at Sarah

"You know what, I'm done here! done, Take me to Cardiff, Jack said he would give me a job" Sarah sighed flopping her arms down by her side in defeat

"what? No you can't go" Clara pipped up

"He's right trust is paramount in life on the TARDIS and I can't trust him if he can mess around in my head like that, how can I trust him? I need out just for a bit a few years maybe" Sarah explained with her head in her hands again the boat feeling becoming worse after the shouting.

"A few years?!" Clara exclaimed

"A few weeks, month, years, I dunno I just need out" Sarah said feeling completely deflated and defeated

"Aren't you gonna say anything? stop her?" Clara rounded on the Doctor

"She a grown woman, she can make her own decisions" The Doctor answered barely more than a whisper, He didn't want Sarah to go of course he didn't she was his daughter but his stupid pride and stubbornness stopped him from making this right.

"But she'd your daughter" Clara exclaimed

"I'm very much aware of that Clara I was there when she happened" The Doctor dead-panned

"This is unbelievable you're going to let a stupid argument come between the two of you?" Clara asked throwing her hands in the air.

"No I'm getting out while I still can in one piece" Sarah spoke softly

The Doctor didn't answer he just stood in front of Sarah chewing his thumb and looking everywhere but at her. Sarah wasn't sure if she was glad or frustrated by that. She decided to go with frustrated because she was still angry at him for doing something to her memories.

"Either take me to Cardiff now or I'll do it myself" Sarah snapped pulling the Doctor out of whatever daze he was in. He still didn't speak just typed in the co-ordinates and set the TARDIS into flight. Sarah stormed off once she had seen him put the co-ordinates in too pack some of her stuff she only took what was most important to her Wyatt and James's things and pictures as well as a few pictures from their travels and the one of her Gran.

When she arrived back in the console room they had landed and Clara was looking upset and the The Doctor had gone back to staring about the room.

"It's for the best I promise, I'll be back soon enough I just need time that's all" Sarah explained to Clara giving her a hug "Bye Dad" She said simply fighting back tears as she exited the TARDIS for the last time, she sent a silent good bye and thank you to little blue before turning and facing out into the streets of Cardiff, he had landed her just outside the water tower and stood waiting for her was Captain Jack himself. As she took her first few steps towards the new chapter in her life she could hear the TARDIS de-materialise behind her sounding sadder than it usually would.

a/n sooo what do you think of the new direction we are going in? excited? sad? scared? cause frankly I'm all of those lol

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