Chapter Two

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At 8.30 pm, Chesmyne got back to her apartment, surprised, only to find her bags at the lobby.

“What the fuck?!” Chesmyne said. She saw Kaley and went to her. “Kaley! What is this?! What’s the meaning of this?!” she said.

“Oh, that? I’m kicking you out.” Kaley said, smirking as she crossed her arms.

“W-What?! You’re kicking me out?! Kaley, can you please just wait for a few more days?” she pleaded. Kaley tossed her red curls, “Obviously Chesmyne, I CAN’T WAIT FOR A FEW MORE DAYS ‘til you pay your rent. You’re already a month delayed and I’m afraid that that’s why this renting business of mine is struggling is because of that.” She replied. “Oh, and by the way… The key?”

Chesmyne gave her the key then she turned around and picked up her bags and left the building. She walked and walked, even though she doesn’t have any idea where she’s going. A little while later, a downpour of heavy rain suddenly set off.

Feeling exhausted from her part-time job, annoyed for being kicked out from where she lives and sad about her crappy life, she started to cry.

“Why?! Why does this have to happen to me?! What did I do?! Why me?!” she cried as she slumped down on the sidewalk under the heavy rain. Suddenly, someone tapped her shoulder. She looked up and saw her childhood best friend William Singe, sharing his big, black umbrella to her.

“Chesmyne?” William asked.

“William!?” Chesmyne said in surprise.

“You’re soaked. Get in the car.” William cajoled her. Chesmyne nodded and went inside his car. William, on the other hand, put her luggages in the trunk. When he was finished, he hopped in to the driver’s seat which is beside Chesmyne’s seat and started to drive.

“Long time no see, Ches.” He greeted her as he smiled.

“Uh… Yeah. Long time no see.” Chesmyne replied. “Oh! And congratulations for winning the third place in the XFactor… You know… You and the other four guys are just great.”

His smile grew wider, “Thanks but I would be more glad if you’d have the heart to buy our first album.” He said.

“What album?” Chesmyne said in confusion.

“Didn’t you hear in the news? The third place winner boy band called ‘The Collective’ had just signed into one of the most prestigious record labels in the world.” He said. “And we’re releasing an album.”

She looked away in embarrassment and said, “Sorry… I haven’t been on the television lately.” Chesmyne suddenly remembered when her parents were still alive; she was always updated with these things.

“So… How are you?” William asked her.

“Struggling every single day.” Chesmyne replied. “I know it’s been six years since my parents died but I guess the wounds on my soul are still fresh so maybe that’s why I’m finding it hard to move on.”

“I’m sorry Ches.” William said.

“Don’t be sorry, Will. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Chesmyne said.

“How’s the life of a year twelve student?” William asked, changing the topic to lighten up the mood.

“Hard.” She answered.

“Yeah. A lot of hard work, aye?” he said.

“No… I mean…” she trailed off.

“You mean what?” he asked.

“Well… Yeah. A lot of school work plus the fact that I always get bullied at school.” She said.

“What?! You always get bullied at school? Why don’t you report it to the school chaplain or maybe to the vice chancellor of your school?” he said to her. “It gets worse as the time goes by you know.”

She chuckled, “Nah… I wouldn’t waste my fuckin’ time on that.” She said.

He chuckled too and said, “You’re still the same Chesmyne that I used to know.”

“Am I?” she asked.

“Yes… Hey, what’s up with those bags? Are you leaving this country or something?” he asked.

“I… I got kicked out from my apartment an hour ago. I was a month delayed in paying the rent.” She answered while her head was bowed down in shame.

“Live with me then.” He said casually.

“What?” she said as she looked up in astonishment.

“Live with me… And with my other band mates as well.” He said.

“Are you sure?” she asked. He just nodded and smiled.

“Thanks Will.” She replied.

“Didn’t I tell you that I always got your back?” he said.

They laughed and chatted for a couple of hours until they reached their final destination---- The Collective’s Apartment.


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