Chapter Fourteen

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Chesmyne went to her school like she does everyday. She and her mom both agreed that she will finish her first two terms in Towerville High and then she will transfer to Golden Gate by Term three. It was a tough decision for her to make but it made her think that she should also must have a taste of a good life.

"So you're staying with them?" Summer asked. Chesmyne had also told her and Lance about her real family.

"Yes." Chesmyne replied with a sad expression on her face.

"Then why are you sad?" Lance asked her. "You should be happy because you're now living with your real family."

"How could I be happy if my sister and my own father hate me? Yes, I am living with them but it seems like they don't accept me. Chloe just makes me feel like I don't belong in our own family." She answered. "And my father... He never talks to me. He's avoiding me."

"Have you told Trent about this?" Summer asked.

"I did." She replied. "I told him last night. Oh god, I miss him."

"I understand how you feel." Summer said then she hugged her. "Lance and I gotta go, the bus is here already. Be strong, okay? Remember that we are always here for you."

"Thanks. Bye." Chesmyne said in return.

"Bye." Lance and Summer said as they waved and hopped on the bus.

Chesmyne waved back and a few minutes later, the bus left. Meanwhile, she stayed there, waiting for nothing so she took out her phone and had a look on her photos with Trent and the other boys from their apartment and right now, she could feel the pain in her chest. It's like a thousand of knives piercing her heart and she wished that Trent was with her right now.


She looked up and there he was, standing and wearing his white singlet, black skinny jeans and blue rubber shoes and she admitted that he looked good... More likely, hotter than ever.


He ran towards her and hugged her tight then he spun her around. "Oh... I missed you so much." He said to her and she could feel his warm breath against her neck.

"Me too." She muffled on his singlet and in her own opinion, he smelled good like always. She really missed him. She missed everything about him. His strong warm hugs, his soft kisses and his scent. Then suddenly, she burst into tears.

"Hey, don't cry. Stop crying. I'm here now. Everything's gonna be alright." He said as he wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead.

"I know that everything's gonna be alright because you're here already." She replied and they kissed.

"So, where do you wanna go now?" he asked her.

"Back to where you guys live." She said while smiling. "I wanna visit Will and the other guys."

"Well, let's go." He said as he held her hand and at that moment, the students were staring at them but he didn't care. All that matters to him is that Chesmyne is with him right now and he would do anything just to cherish this moment.

"Is that Trent Bell's girlfriend?" said the girl with auburn short curly hair.

"Yes, it is." Replied the other girl with long black hair with green eyes, who was standing next to her.

"She doesn't look like his girlfriend."

"I know right. She's not even that beautiful. I wonder why Trent chose her over Bella."

"Maybe she stole him away from Bella."

"Evil slut."

Trent stopped walking. "Trent, just ignore them. They're not worth it. Let's go." Chesmyne said.

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