Chapter Seven

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At three p.m., they decided to have their last swim. Trent lent some of his spare clothes to Chesmyne when they were finished swimming. That night, when they got home, William suggested that they should have a drinking spree.

"But Will, I'm still underage!" Chesmyne protested after she changed into her own clothes.

"You are not alone." Julian said as he winked at her.

"Okay, I hereby proclaim that I, William Anthony Singe, together with Mr. Trent Bell and Mr. Jayden Sierra solemnly accept our duties and responsibilities for Mr. Julian De Vizio and Ms. Chesmyne Plana... Means that we are here to guard your shots in drinking." William said while raising his right hand.

"You're not even drinking yet and you talk like shit now. And how can you guys possibly limit us with our shots if you guys are also drunk?" Julian said as he gave him the 'REALLY' look. Then they all laughed.

"Zach texted and he said that he'll be staying at Kat's house tonight." Trent said.

"Well, I guess it's just four men and a woman." William said as he brought out five bottles of beer from the fridge. "Cool."

"I think I'll pass." Chesmyne said.

"Ches! Come on!" William said.

"I'm sorry... Maybe next time." She said.

"Don't be such a girl!" he said.

"I AM A GIRL! Really sorry guys. Next time." She said.

"Alright. I guess your pussy side went out again." He said.

She turned around, "I am not a pussy!" she said.

"Well, if you're not then you'll have a drink with us." He said.

"Still NO." she said as she crossed her arms.

"PUSSY." He said.

In annoyance, Chesmyne snatched the unopened bottle from William's hand. She opened it and took a few big gulps. Everyone stared at her and eventually howled and laughed.

"Now, still wanna call me a 'PUSSY'?" she said. William shrugged his shoulders.


They played 'Spin the bottle' and Jayden was the first one to get drunk.

"No shit, men! I really thought I was gonna die during the audition!" he said while his face was red from laughing out loud. "Fuck!!!"

"Shorty, get the hell out of here. You're drunk." William said to him.

"I ain't drunk and stop calling me 'Shorty'. Hey Julian, would you mind giving me some inches from your height? Just a few inches so Will would stop calling me 'Shorty' again." He said while being tipsy.

"I think it really affected him everytime you call him 'Shorty', Will." Chesmyne said to William. He just nodded.

"Spin the bottle. Spin the goddamn bottle." Jayden said.

"Jayden, you're obviously drunk." Chesmyne said.

"Me? Drunk? Whaddahell are ya talkin' about? Where's your proof!?" he said, slurring his speech for being drunk.

"You're slurring your speech mate." Trent said.

"Aish! Just spin the bottle!" Jayden said impatiently.

William spun the bottle around and it when it stopped spinning, it finally pointed to Trent.

"Tree Bee!!!" Chesmyne said, cracking up in laughter. "My sweet Tree Bee!!!"

"Aw... That's very sweet of you my little Chestnut." He shot back.

"Truth or Dare, Mr. Bell?" Julian asked.

"Truth." He said then he gulped on his beer.

"Here's the question. Do. You. Love. Chesmyne?" Julian asked. "Be honest, mate. Be fuckin' honest or I'll slit your throat."

They all fell silent, especially Trent. He was nervous and so was Chesmyne. He took a few more gulps before he answered, "Yes... Yes, I love Chesmyne. I fell in love with her the first time I met her. I don't know why or how. It just came over me, like MAGIC."

"Aw... That's so sweet." Jayden, Julian and William said. Chesmyne and Trent both fell silent.

"SPIN THE BOTTLE." Jayden said eagerly then he spun the bottle and when it stopped, it pointed to Chesmyne.

"Chessboard, your turn. Truth or dare?" William asked.

"Dare." She said firmly and then took a few sips from her beer.

"Fine. Kiss Trent on the lips." William ordered.

"Yeah. And we want it to be torrid." Jayden said.

"TORRID." Julian emphasized.

Chesmyne stood up and went towards Trent. He also stood up and everyone was shocked when he pulled her towards him and kissed her hungrily. He slipped his tongue inside her mouth and she didn't pull away nor complain about it. When his lips parted from hers, she pulled him back again closer to her and did the same thing to him and as they were kissing, the two of them both felt the sparks.

"Sweet Mother of God." Julian said in shock.

"That's really torrid." Jayden said casually.

Trent and Chesmyne finally broke apart from each other. She turned to William, "Done." She said. "Happy?" William just laughed.

"SPIN THE BOTTLE!" Jayden shouted.

"Calm your tits mate! It's nighttime, for Chrissake! You shouldn't be shouting this time of night." William said, and then he spun the bottle.

After a few hours, William, Jayden (who was the first one to pass out) and Julian were all knocked-out. Meanwhile, Chesmyne and Trent remained awake, but both of them were too drunk to stand up so they helped each other to stand up and get into their own rooms but Trent didn't go to his room, instead he carried her and slammed her onto her own bed in her room and then he went on top of her.

"I love you Chesmyne." He said.

Chesmyne smiled and said, "I love you too Trent."

Then he bent down and kissed her slowly and passionately. Both of them felt the sparks again as their lips clashed onto each other full of lust and love.

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