Chapter Fifteen

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Trent ended up helping Chesmyne in the kitchen. When dinner was over, he drove her back to her house.

“Had a great time?” he asked as they were walking to the front porch of the house. “Yeah.” She answered with a smile as she intertwined her hands with his. He cleared his throat, “When are you coming back with us?” he said and Chesmyne could hear the loneliness in his voice. “I’m still figuring it all out.” She said. She looked at him and saw that his beautiful brown eyes were filled with sadness and she felt bad for telling Julian that she’ll soon be moving out completely from their apartment.

“Trent, I need to tell you something.” She said. “And please understand, okay? Babe, I’m planning to move out completely from your apartment once I’ve sorted my relationship with my family.” Then he let go of her hand and stepped back a little bit.

“Trent, I can’t live with you and the other guys forever. I need to be with my own family too. You guys have your own lives and I don’t want to get in your way… In your music career.” She continued then he hugged her.

“Silly! You’ll never be a fuss to me.” He said. “But you’re right. You need to be with your own family.” Then he gave her a peck on the lips.  “But never think that you’re a burden to me, okay? Cause you’re not.” Then he kissed her forehead.

“Chesmyne, get inside!” Jonathan ordered.

“Trent I have to go. I really had a great time. Thanks for driving me back here.” She told Trent then she went inside.

“Good evening, Mr. McMullen.” Trent greeted Jonathan but instead of greeting him back, he slammed the door shut. “What a way to greet me back. Thank you.” Trent mumbled to himself  then he went back into his car and drove away.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Jonathan has been giving Chesmyne his ultimatum.

“It’s already eleven-thirty! Where the hell have you been?! Your mother and I were worried sick about you! You didn’t even bother to call or text us!” Jonathan scolded her. “Where have you been?”

“I-I went over to my friends’ house.” Chesmyne replied.

“Liar. You mean, you went over to your boyfriend’s house.” Chloe butted in.

“Chloe, shut up.” Clark said to her.

“You went over to your friends’ house without even telling us?”

“I was going to call you but I forgot. I’m sorry dad, it won’t happen again.”

“Yeah, it would never really happen again and you will never see that guy you’re with a while ago ever again!”

“But dad, you can’t do that! Trent’s my boyfriend and we love each other very much!”

“Yes I can and you’re still young Chesmyne! You know nothing about love! As far as I want you to know, you were separated from us and now that you’re back, we would do anything to protect you. Break up with that guy!”

“I wasn’t separated from the two of you! You two, gave me up and that’s why I ended up in that stupid orphanage! You never really cared about me!” she cried and hot tears started to flow out from her eyes.

Then he slapped her. “Jonathan, don’t hurt our daughter!” Sarah said as she stopped him from hitting her again.

“You never knew what it’s like for us to lose you! And you never knew the reason behind it!” he hissed.  

“And you never knew what it would be like if you make me break up with him! No matter what you say, I would never ever break up with him!” she said.

“Chesmyne, you will do it whether you like it or not!”

“No!” Then she ran upstairs and went into her room and cried. She reached for her phone and dialed Trent’s number.

“What’s up?” Trent answered.

“I want you to pick me up tomorrow after school.” Chesmyne said.

“Okay.” He answered. “Are you sure you’re okay? ‘Cause you don’t sound like you’re okay.”

“I’m okay. I’m just tired.” Then she wiped her tears and tried to smile.

“Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow after school. Goodnight. I love you.”

“I love you too. Goodnight.”


Tomorrow morning, Chesmyne got up early and packed her things in her bag as quickly as she could. She was dressed in her school uniform when she got out of her room and went downstairs but unfortunately, her older brother, Clark, saw her.

“You’re up early today.” He said to her and he noticed that she’s carrying her bags. “And why are you carrying those bags?”

“Clark, I’m moving out. I’m going back to Trent’s house.” She said then she dropped her bags ad held his hand. “Please Clark, don’t tell mom and dad about this! I love all of you but I can’t afford being separated from Trent. I really love him. I hope you understand. Please, Clark…”

“Do you want a lift?” he asked her and her face brightened up.

“Just drop me off to school. Trent will pick me up after school hours.” She said.

“What about your things?” he asked.

“I’ll just chuck them in the locker for a while.” She answered.

That afternoon, Chesmyne waited outside of their school but it didn’t took her that long because after of ten seconds of waiting, Trent already arrived.

“Okay, what’s up with the bags?” he asked her as he loaded them at the back of his car.

“I’m going back.” Chesmyne said. “I’m gonna live with you guys again.”

“I have a feeling that there’s something you’re not telling me.” He said.

“Trent, my father and I had a misunderstanding last night.” She replied as she intertwined her hands with his. “I just wanna have some space after he told me that.”

“Told you what?”

“He told me to break up with you. And that’s why I’m going back. I’m afraid that he’s gonna take me away from you.”

“Well, at least you’re back with us now.” He said as he smiled.


“So basically, you’re here because you’re hiding from your dad.” William said.

“Not really like that but yeah… Close enough.” Chesmyne said.

“Do you still want to go back to them?” Julian asked.

“Maybe not now.” She answered. “By the way, only my older brother knows about this… That I’m here.”

Then, suddenly, a loud knock on the door came.

“I’ll get it.” Jayden said then he went to the door and opened it. When he opened the door, a strong punch on the face welcomed him.

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