Chapter Twenty-One

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Because I love my readers and followers, here's the next chapter!



Chesmyne returned to her family right after she was discharged from the hospital. She was happy to be with them again but she’s still keeping her guards up, especially on her father and Chloe.

That evening, while waiting for their dinner to be cooked, Chesmyne locked herself up in her room and got her iPod out and shoved the earphones in her ears and scrolled through her songs. Then a smile formed on her lips as she saw a new song on her list then she noticed a folded piece of scrap paper in her pink case. She got it out and it read:

I’ve downloaded our official single from iTunes just for you. Hope you like it.  XOXO

                                                    Much love,


She clicked on the song and the smile grew wider on her lips and she can’t help but to sing and dance at the same time. “Whoa, this song’s so cool!” she said to herself.

“Round two I think I’m only dreaming. This just can’t be for real… You’re right here with me” she sang. “I just don’t wanna wait; don’t take me from this place where I wanna be---- Woohoo! That’s my baby Trentos!” Then she continued to dance.

“…Girl you’re the best that’s why…” she continued. “You make me wanna stand out tonight… Turn off the lights, give up the fight, I surrender… You got me good, I knew that you would… Did the best that I could. But girl you move like a butterfly, butterfly… Then you sting like a bee; Tried to be bulletproof… You got to me. Gonna stand out tonight, turn off the lights, give up the fight… I surrender…….. Surrender.”

Then she heard a loud knock on her door despite the loud noise and William’s voice doing the rap of their song in her ears. She removed her earphones and opened the door. It was her father.

“You need something, dad?” she asked.

“Can I talk to you?” he asked. Chesmyne nodded and came out from her room.

“I’m sorry, Chesmyne.” He said. “For all the bad things that I’ve done to you.”

“And to Trent, and to his other band mates.” She added.

“I was just trying to protect you.”

“By almost killing Trent and his other band mates? Is that what you mean by protecting me?”

“I was freaked out that night when you came home late because you said that you were at your friends’ and that you forgot to call us. Chesmyne, your mother and I love you with all our hearts and souls and we don’t know what we’re gonna do if we lose you forever.”

“Is that why you almost killed Trent.”

“Look, I don’t trust him but we can see that you’re happy with him so…”

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