Chapter Eleven

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“You can’t be serious.”  Chesmyne said. Claire gave her the big brown envelope.

“Before Hazel died, she handed me that envelope and told me that you were not their real daughter. Chesmyne, I’m telling you this because you need to know the truth.” Claire told her.

“Then why are you still helping me? Why do you still care for me?” she asked Claire.

“Because you are still my niece and you still carry the last name of my brother.” Claire replied. “And that’s why I’m offering you the contract. I want to help you. I really do. So, are you accepting my offer or not?”

“I’ll think about it.” Chesmyne replied.

Later that night, Chesmyne cried her heart out as she looked at her original birth certificate and the adoption papers. She can’t imagine how her adoptive parents managed to keep this from her.

“Chesmyne?” Trent said as he knocked on her door. She quickly wiped her tears and took a deep breath.

“Yes?” she answered, trying to not to crack her voice but she still failed. He opened the door and found her wiping her tears.

“What’s wrong?” He asked as he sat beside her on her bed. She just shook her head. “Chesmyne, we made a promise, right?” he said as he lifted her chin up. “C’mon, tell me.” She said nothing as she showed him the envelope that Claire gave her a while ago in the coffee shop. He opened it and pulled out a birth certificate and an adoption paper.

“I’m adopted.” She said under her breath. “I couldn’t believe how they managed to keep this from me after all these years!” Then she sobbed as she covered her face with her hands. “All these years I used to think that I’m all alone.”

He hugged her then he pulled her hands away from her face, “Listen, you are not alone. You never were. You have me, William, Jayden, Zach, Julian and your other friends at school by your side.” Trent said to her. “And I’m sure that they did it for a reason.”

“What reason is it, then?” Chesmyne said. “Trent, they died six years ago and they didn’t even tell me when they were still alive!”

“Maybe, they were planning to tell you when you’re ready. But unfortunately, they died before they had the chance to tell you the truth.” He said as he wiped her tears. “And don’t you think it’s nice for you to know that your true parents are still alive?”

And suddenly, she stopped crying and her eyes brightened up a little bit.

“Trent, I need you and Will to help me about something.” She said.


“Well, according to my research, Jonathan McMullen---- Your real father owns a shipping company in the city, two mansions around Brisbane, another two mansions in Port Hedland and Perth. He also owns a real estate company.” William said as he gave the blue folder to Chesmyne. “He’s currently on a business trip in Hongkong, China.  Just letting you know so that you won’t go gaga looking for him.”

“And my mom?” she asked.

“Sarah McMullen.” Trent said and Chesmyne peered over his shoulder to look at the information on his laptop. “She works as a doctor in St. Trinity Hospital.”

“They have two children named Chloe McMullen and Clark McMullen.” William added.

“You mean I have a brother and a sister?” she said with a hint of amazement in her voice. Trent and William nodded in unison.

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