Chapter Six

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“The one who believes him is the loser!” Trent shouted and Chesmyne turned around only to be confronted by his Pecs and hot abs and deep inside she’s melting like an ice cream under the sun. She couldn’t breathe and all she can do was to stare into his beautiful body.

“Let’s go for a swim!” he said to her.

“I don’t have any spare clothes!” she replied, returning back into reality.

“Oh, screw that!” he shot back then he carried her and started to run towards the water.

“Trent Bell!!! If you don’t put me down, I’m gonna literally kill you!!! I swear!!!” she shouted but too late because Trent had already jumped into the water, tagging her along.

Trent laughed out loud after they rose onto the surface of the water, “You always say that but you never do it!” he said, still supporting Chesmyne’s weight by his big strong arms.

“Fuck you Trent!” she said as she pushed him and swam away from him.

“Sure. What time? Wanna do it now?” he said jokingly.

“You’re such an ass!” she replied as she walked back on the sand while laughing. He ran up to her and lifted her and spun her around.

“Trent! Put me down!” she screamed while laughing.

He put her down, his hands on her waist and again they were both hypnotized by each other’s eyes.

“Geez! My eyes! Get a room!” Julian said to them but they ignored him.

He rolled his eyes and threw up his hands in the air, “And again, no one listens to Julian De Vizio!” he said sarcastically. “Hello?! You’re with an innocent seventeen year-old boy right here! You might want to keep your smooching’ scenes to yourselves.”

“Just let them be, Jules. They obviously like each other so let them have their own moment.” Jayden said to him as he patted his shoulder. “Let them create their own universe.”

“Shut up Jayden!” Chesmyne and Trent said to him, parting from each other.

“You obviously don’t have any idea of who I like.” She said. Trent suddenly felt desolated about what he heard. Sadness and disappointment filled his heart and he started to think if he should start to put some distance between the two of them.

“Who wants pizza?” William asked.

“Me!” Trent, Julian and Chesmyne responded.

“Count me in!” Jayden said happily.

“You’re not counted, shorty.” William said flatly.

“I hate you Will!” he said to William.

William laughed, “The feeling is mutual, mate.” He said while smiling cheekily at him.

They went to the nearest pizza parlor and ordered a Hawaiian pizza, cut into 8 pieces and William and Jayden were having a pizza eating contest.

“You guys are such pigs!” Julian said. “Leave some for us!” William and Jayden just laughed and poked out their tongues to him.

“Ugh! You guys are so annoying!” he added.

“William, share your blessings!” Chesmyne said.

“Sorry babe, but I don’t like sharing.” William said and he and Jayden laughed.

“Very funny Will.” Chesmyne said sarcastically and took a bite on her first slice of pizza. Then, a little while later, she sneezed.

“Bless you.” William, Jayden and Julian said to her.

“Are you okay?” Trent asked her in concern.

“Yeah ah… Achoo!!! I think--- Achoo! Maybe not--- Achoo!!!” she sneezed. “I’ll lend you my towel.” He said as he unwrapped his towel and wrapped it around her shoulders. “And that comes with a hug as well.” Then he hugged her tight.

“Aw… Look at these two lovebirds right here.” Jayden said.

“Shut up Jayden.” Trent said.

“Seriously Trent, you obviously like her. Why don’t you just ask her out?” Julian said to him. “You two make a great couple.”

Trent shifted his eyes to William. William smirked at him and just shrugged his shoulders. Trent turned his gaze to Chesmyne and she looked back as well.

“Okay! Who wants to go for another swim?” William asked.

“Me!” Jayden and Julian replied. The three of them went out of the pizza parlor, leaving Chesmyne and Trent in there.

“Uh… Don’t you want to go for another swim?” she asked him.

“No.” he said then he held her hand. Chesmyne saw his hand wrapped in a bandage. “Is your hand okay? What happened?” she asked in concern.

“I-I was angry at m-myself about what happened to us this morning… So I punched the mirror in my room.” he stammered. “I’m really sorry Chesmyne.”

“Trent, it’s okay. I told you to forget it.” She said as she laid her left hand on top of his bandaged left hand. “But please, don’t hurt yourself again, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt.” He smiled and nodded.

She chuckled, “Look, if you’re angry at yourself, go into an open field and scream on top of your lungs.” She said. “…Just don’t punch a wall or a mirror.”

“You mean a lot to me.” She added as she put her hand on his left cheek.

“The same goes for me.” He said. “You mean a lot to me too.”

Somehow, they both knew to themselves that are falling for each other but they are just too afraid to admit to each other because of the fear of rejection.

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