How You Meet

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Lucas Friar: You were Lucas's best friend from Texas and when he returned for the summer, you guys hung out a lot. You meet in the first grade when he accidentally dripped yellow paint onto your purple blob that you claimed was a princess.

Farkle Minkus/Donnie Barnes: You went to Einstein Academy with Smackle and went head-to-head with Farkle when she brought you along to the spelling bee. He was impressed with your sweet and charming good looks and brains so he invited you to join him for ice cream to celebrate his loss with his friends. You gladly said yes.

Barry Eisenberg: You met Barry because you two had almost the same schedule and, since you were new, he showed you around...showing off his smarts of course.

Naldo Montoya: Naldo had always had a crush on you and you on him, everyone knew...except you two. So when Barry, Shelby, and Cyd arranged for you two to meet blindly in the park, you two awkwardly started talking and slowly got into it. By the end of the "date", you two knew almost everything about each other and laughed at each other the whole time.

Diggie Smalls: You were the captain of the cheer-leading team with a secret; you were amazing at basketball! So after school one day, you were shooting hoops and didn't hear when he entered until he rebounded your missed shot, making both of you smile.

Logan Watson: He was messing around at Rumble Juice instead of doing his homework when you walked in to grab a smoothie. You caught his eye and he motioned you over, blushes appearing on the both of your faces. You two chatted it up for a bit until you guided his focus to his homework and you stayed until he got it done and to celebrate, you bought him a smoothie.

Austin Moon: You met him after one of his concerts since you didn't have a ride home. So until your mom came for you, you and Austin hung out inside away from the chilly winter outside. You exchanged numbers and were talking most of the night until he fell asleep, little snores leaving your phone as you smiled and hung up with a soft "Good night."

Xander: You were in the Woodchuck cabin with Lou and Tiffany when a little girl ran in and plopped on your bed, crying softly. "What's wrong?" you asked her, picking her up onto your lap and stroking her dirty blonde hair. "Those mean girls were chasing me away from my cousin." She hiccuped. "Well, let me go have a chat with them." I told her soothingly, scooting her off my lap so I could stand. Lou followed me for back-up while I took the little girl's hand and she led us to the mean girls. The head counselor, Hazel, had pinned another counselor to a tree and you were surprised to find it was Xander, a guy you'd been crushing on since you got to camp and, while it looked like he liked you too, you just weren't sure. "Hey!" you called to Hazel. She turned, a sneer on her face but you didn't care. Xander's light brown eyes met yours in thanks as she released her grip on him. "How can you sleep at night, making a little girl cry like this?" you snapped at her, lifting the girl into your arms to keep her safe. Hazel scoffed, rolled her eyes, and walked off without a word which was surprising. "Xander!" the little girl cried, removing herself from your grasp and into his. "Lea, you're okay." he smiled at her. "Cousin, huh?" you asked her. "Thanks for making sure she was okay." Xander said to you with his bright smile. You shrugged, "No biggie," "Let me take you out to dinner, please."

Holden Dippledorf: It was third grade and you saved him from choking on paste..."Hungry Hungry Holden" wasn't so hungry after that.

Brett Willis: You were at the fro-yo shop trying to pay for your yogurt only to have your purse stolen right before you walked in! A cute guy offered to pay for your fro-yo as long as he could join you; his name was Brett. You said sure and you both enjoyed a nice cool snack, getting to know each other in the booth for hours.

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