He Gets Overprotective

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Lucas Friar: You were one of the best riders in Texas and when you came with Lucas to New York, you had some the of greatest fashion sense so it was no surprise boys would glance your way. Boyfriend or friend, Lucas always felt like if he weren't around then they'd try to harm you or make you feel uncomfortable. You found it cute.

Farkle Minkus: When you, Riley, and Maya spoke of your celebrity crushes, Farkle would pout silently until you gave him a peck on the cheek to brighten his day. Whereas Donnie Barnes would wrap his arms around your waist and make you giggle, taking your mind off of your crushes and bringing it back to your boyfriend.

Barry Eisenberg: Since he was almost always in the lab, you were there most times too. He feared harm would come your way if you toyed with something you didn't know how to work or he hadn't explained yet how to use it so he was always wary when you fiddled with his work.

Naldo Montoya: He was a very laid-back person and always your little goofball so when you two were at the carnival and the guy at the ticket booth was flirting with you (and making you uncomfortable), you were surprised to find his grip on your hand move to your waist as he began to lead you away, telling the guy, "Yeah, we'll be going now."

Diggie Smalls: He had mixed feelings about the short skirts you had to wear because he knew he wasn't the only one stealing a quick glance every now and then so he'd coldly stare down any other guy who looked at you.

Holden Dippledorf: Usually he didn't have to worry about anyone eyeing you because you both made it very clear you were together but if someone tried anything, anything, he'd glare or ask them to leave with a nasty edge in his voice.

Logan Watson: Smart, funny, good-looking, and so much more. Logan constantly worried (without showing it) if you were gonna leave him. If he ever caught anyone getting too close for his comfort he'd make up some excuse to leave the scene and you would follow, trying to cheer him up afterwards.

Austin Moon: He didn't like the fact that he had to go on tour, away from you, for months, with you hanging with other people, other guys! So he arranged for you to go on tour with him so he could protect you from lingering eyes.

Xander: Being at camp meant a lot of moving around in some way, shape, or form. So naturally you were pretty fit, and pretty. So when you went swimming, most heads turned your way as much as Xander disliked it. So, while you didn't care, Xander coldly stared down anyone whose eyes lingered on you for too long. He'd say something if he had to too...

Brett Willis: Not only did he scare off other guys by giving them a look that could kill, but he also had to keep you a secret from "the Other Side" otherwise they'd come after you and do horrible, horrible things. What? He didn't want to find out.

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