He Hears You Sing

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Lucas Friar: I walked past the choir room to hear a beautiful voice filling the air. I peeked in and saw Y/N singing with Maya; I smiled to myself and walked on, reminding myself to compliment her on it later.

Farkle Minkus: We were taking a test in Mr. Matthews's class and... "Babada dadada, bom-ba-da," I glanced over to see Y/N was quietly singing a tune while finishing up her test. I couldn't tell if she was bad or not, but I found it cute that that was how she concentrated.

Barry Eisenberg: Y/N was waiting for me in the lab while I had finished some business with silly Naldo, only to walk in and find Y/N was belting out some of her favorite tunes with her earbuds in her ear. She was the best, but she couldn't sing...

Naldo Montoya: Y/N's mom told me to go up to her room when I arrived at her house and I made it up the stairs to find she was singing. Being the goof I was, I joined in which surprised her but she laughed and continued.

Diggie Smalls: It wasn't like I hadn't heard Y/N chant before but hearing her sing on her own was something completely different. I've heard her numerous times whether it be to herself, with a friend, or when she's concentrating but she was shy about it so I barely brought it up anymore.

Holden Dippledorf: It was back in the third grade, when she got a solo in the play.

Logan Watson: Lindy, Jazmin, Delia, and Y/N all loved to screech songs out to their hearts' content. I like her, I really do, but she's a little pitchy...

Austin Moon: We sing together all the time! Anywhere and everywhere, no exceptions. She was really good too.

Xander: Whenever I played a song around the campfire, everyone would sing along. But one night, I caught Y/N singing Tiffany to sleep and I thought she was really good. So I let her finish then walked off as she settled herself in to sleep, I'd compliment her in the morning.

Brett: he doesn't, unfortunately he's never really around too much.

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