He Refuses to Get Outta Bed

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Lucas Friar: It's rare that this happens but when it does, you lure him out with the heavenly smell of breakfast.

Farkle Minkus: Nope. You're the one who typically refuses to get out of bed and Farkle has to pull the covers off the bed, chilling you, to get you up.

Barry Eisenberg: Again, it never happens so he has to put your alarm clock by your ear so it blares annoyingly until you get up.

Naldo Montoya: You smack him with a pillow until he groans and pushed you playfully off the bed, turning over so you have to start the process again.

Diggie Smalls: You wiggle his smelly gym clothes in front of his face until he cringes away, smacks you with a pillow, and gets up.

Holden Dippledorf: Being nice, you rub his back and tell him about this massive breakfast paradise (that doesn't exist) but gets him up.

Logan Watson: You and the foster dog that week go wake him up by jumping around on the bed and making noise until he has to get up and chase you guys to shut you up.

Austin Moon: You sing to wake him up, whether it's something loud and obnoxious because he's late or sweet and gentle just to wake him up, he always wakes up to your voice.

Xander: You tickle his nose with a branch full of leaves until he wakes up with a strange, confused look on his face that cracks you up!

Brett Willis: You sit on his tummy and whisper random things in his ear until he wraps an arm around your waist, pulls you next to him (laying down), and goes right back to sleep except this time, you've given up and joined him.

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