Fred Weasley {Evil}

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Part two, as requested

"Y/n!" You heard your ginger friend come into the common room where you were peacefully sitting on the couch, working on your Potions homework. Damn Snape...

"Frederick Weasley," you smiled, glancing up from your homework long enough to do so.

"What're you up to?" He asked, taking a seat next to you.

"Oh you know, doing schoolwork from my favorite class assigned by favorite professor." You smirked, sarcasm dripping from your every word which earned a laugh from Fred , glancing over your shoulder at what you had to do. Amortentia, of all potions to be making...

"Snape really is something," Fred nodded then looked down at you but your eyes were trained on your work. "So, y/n..." He began nervously, seeing as you two were alone.

"Mm?" You asked, writing down the scent you smelled when you had created the potion. Fred peeked over your shoulder, seeing what you had written: fireworks and sweets, like candies and things he and his twin had created.

"Do you like me?" He asked boldly, forcing the excitement that had bubbled inside of him down as he waited for your answer. You faltered, looking into his warm eyes as you found yourself smiling.

"I suppose that depends, Freddie. Do you like me?" You asked, leaning closer slightly.

"I think we should finish what we started before we were ever so rudely interrupted," Fred smiled before leaning in response, yours lips slowly brushing against his. He cupped your face in his gentle hand while you ran a hand through his finger hair, both of you pulling your bodies closer to the other.

"I like you, Freddie," you admitted.

"Be mine?" He asked hopefully, taking your hands in his with an eager smile on his face. You laughed,


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