You're Sick

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Lucas Friar: He'd stay with you and give you care until you felt better, but you warned him he might get sick too...

Farkle Minkus: He read you stories all day while you dipped in and out of sleep. He stayed close to your side, despite your protests saying he'd get sick too...

Naldo Montoya: He kept your mind off of your sickness by goofing around although, at the end of the day, he did start to feel a bit sickish...

Diggie Smalls: He cuddled with you while watching a movie, though with him being so close you were afraid he was gonna get sick...

Holden Dippledorf: He'd bring your food up to your room and lie with you there. It was sweet, but you knew his turn to be sick was just around the corner...

Logan Watson: He and his foster pup would normally try to cheer you up which mainly resulted in goofing off and sweet cuddles. You heard him sneeze a bit when he left and you rolled your eyes, knowing he'd end up sick like you...

Austin Moon: He always sang soft sweet songs to you until you fell asleep; he left once you were but coughed a bit on the way out. He hoped he wasn't getting sick...

Xander: He'd sneak into your cabin just to spend the day with you and make sure you were okay. Whether it was "seasonal allergies" or something else, he walked out with a growing case of the sniffles...

Brett Willis: Brett would always bring up a cup of your favorite kind of tea and let you curl up next to him under a blanket while he played with your hair. He left feeling okay, not knowing the germs would soon catch up to him and make him sick...

Y/N: "You're gonna get sick..."

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