General Hux |You're Sick|

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You went into work as Head Pilot as you did everyday when your stomach started making some unpleasant noises, but you decided to ignore them. You had work to do.

Later on in the day though, your stomach began to hurt along with a pounding headache, leading you to become dizzy and stumble into people and things.

By lunch you just couldn't do it. You clocked out of work and headed for your boyfriend's quarters where no one would possibly think of disturbing you. You removed your clothes once you were in his large bedroom, leaving you only in your undergarments, and flopped onto the bed, pulling half of the blanket over you as you were burning up but freezing at the same time. You didn't even have the energy to take some medication so you just laid there, hot and cold, and in pain. You were about to close your eyes when something tickled in the back of your throat.

Next thing you knew, you were kneeling in front of the toilet throwing up the content of your stomach. Seeing as you hadn't had lunch, you were throwing up the acids of your stomach. You pulled your hair back into a bun and managed to pull yourself up from the ground, stumbling over to your boyfriend's closet and grabbing a dark grey tee to pull over your shaking body. You flopped on the be and waited for sleep to come to you...

Meanwhile, in his office, General Hux was waiting for you as today he had planned a little surprise for you: lunch in without prying eyes. As the minutes ticked by, he grew angry but then remembered you never forget things like an important date or even just a lunch date. He was worried now. He turned to his computer and his fingers flew across the keyboard to see if you were still clocked in for work. Sure enough, you weren't. He got up from his desk and went to the one place he could think of where you would just disappear.

To say your nap was peaceful would be a complete and utter lie. You tossed. You turned. You laid upside down. You laid on your stomach. You laid on your back. So now you were just laying on your side, watching the minutes slowly go by as if time was mocking you by being so slow. You heard the door open and cracked a weak smile, "It's about time you found me," you say in a strained voice, hoping it came across as humorous.

"You could've told me you were sick. You know I would've dropped everything immediately." Hux said, taking a seat on his bed and stroking the hair out of your face.

"Maybe that's why I didn't," you smirked to the best of your ability. "Or I was trying to sleep."

"You're doing a poor job of that,"

"Then why don't you help me?" Hux caught on and smiled softly at you, all teasing aside, as he went to change into something ten times more comfortable than his general uniform then came back to the bed. He laid down and pulled you close to him, pressing his lips to your forehead as your eyelids closed heavily, leaving you to fall asleep in your boyfriend's arms.

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