Where He Kisses You

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Lucas Friar: Simple, he kisses your cheek in public. But when you're alone, he can't get enough of your lips.

Farkle Minkus: He likes to give you sweet kisses on your forehead when you hug and that's often.

Barry Eisenberg: He's not one for kisses often so you sneak one on his cheek whenever you can since it's cute when he blushes.

Naldo Montoya: That goofball will give you fluttery little kisses wherever you go!

Diggie Smalls: Diggie will often kiss your forehead as he's about a head taller than you.

Holden Dippledorf: Being a gentleman, he'll kiss your hand to get you to laugh but honestly loves to sweetly give you a proper kiss.

Logan Watson: Lips. Logan just can't get enough, while still being the sweetest.

Austin Moon: Lips, cheeks, forehead, neck, hand, you name it. Austin loves you so so much he'll kiss you everywhere.

Xander: When you two are cuddling, and your head is on his shoulder, he'll kiss the side of your head and whisper sweet things to you after.

Brett Willis: He likes to come up from behind you, with his arms around you, and give your neck a sweet little kiss, just on the spot that drives you nuts.

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