How He Asks You Out

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Lucas Friar: He asked you after you two rode around on your horses in the field behind his dad's house with a bouquet of y/f/f (your favorite flowers). You smiled, said yes, and hugged him tight...then you stole his hat and ran XD

Farkle Minkus: He took you to the amusement park and won you a little teddy-bear with a note. "Will you be my girlfriend?" it read and you smiled at him, hugging him for a yes.

Barry Eisenberg: He put a note in your novel and when you read the part where the boy is asking the girl out, his note had an arrow pointing to that and three choices: "A. Yes, B. A, C. Kiss me" so you circled all of them and returned the note at school, throwing a flirty look over your shoulder as you walked away.

Naldo Montoya: You two were watching movies and had ordered pizza. You opened the box and found the top read, "Will you go out with me, or is this too cheesy?" you chuckled and gave him a sweet side-hug. "Cheesy, but I'll take it." you whispered in his ear making him smile.

Diggie Smalls: He wrote it out in basketball and when he took you to the court, you were so shocked that you just nodded and hugged him.

Holden Dippledorf: He was a classic man and just asked you after school one day at your locker with a small box of chocolates and his kindness.

Logan Watson: He wanted to do something so original it would go down in history! But since no one could come up with anything, he decided to invite you to the beach and you found it written in the sand. You turned to find him smiling and hugged him, whispering in his ear, "Yes,"

Austin Moon: He brought you up on stage at one of his performances and asked you there, earning an elated yes!

Xander: You and Lea had gotten pretty close since the Xander/Hazel incident and one day she led you into the main cabin where Xander was sitting on the pool table with his guitar next to him. "Xander, I've got her." she said then let go of your hand, walking away. "Y/N, I have a song I want you to listen to." He said with a smile and sang a song, asking you out. "Xander, of course!" you hugged him happily.

Brett Willis: He asked two months after you met at the fro-yo shop and it was a little note in your favorite flavor. Obviously you said yes and shared a sweet kiss but flicked some yogurt on his nose after which made you laugh for days.

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