He's Sick

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Y/N: "...I told you so."

Lucas Friar: Obviously you take care of him.

Farkle Minkus: He kept himself occupied if you weren't there to comfort him by playing on his game console.

Barry Eisenberg: He didn't want to accept help but you gave it to him anyway.

Naldo Montoya: You stay with him and make him laugh.

Diggie Smalls: You both watch sports and get super excited when the team you're cheering for wins, only to have Diggie cough up a storm from yelling so much with a sore throat.

Holden Dippledorf: You sang to him till he fell asleep.

Logan Watson: You cuddled with him constantly.

Austin Moon: You'd make him pancakes in the morning then just have a movie day to make sure he rested.

Xander: You had Ravi and Jorge clear out of the Grizzly cabin to spend the day with him, making sure he got better.

Brett Willis: You kept him in bed and read to him till he fell asleep resting on you.

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