Fred Weasley {Evil}

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"I'm going to get you, Fred and y/n!" The Quidditch chase yelled down the hall after you. You ran for dear life, knowing you and Fred were in deep trouble. What had you two done? Well, you both knew Angelina had fancied Fred so he thought it would be funny if she caught you two making out.

To say the prank went successfully was an understatement considering you were both running for you lives.

"In here!" Fred whisper-yelled, grabbing your hand and pulling you into an empty classroom. "Shh!"

"Fred Weasley! Y/n Y/l/n!" You both heard Angelina yell and you giggled quietly as she walked past, fuming.

"We're evil," he chuckled.

"So evil!" You giggled, going to sit next to where Fred had taken a seat in the classroom. It was the Transfiguration classroom and if you were caught by McGonagall, you both would be dead. Fred stood almost right after you sat down and went to pet one of the animals inside the cage. "Fred, you're going to get us killed," You said in a sigh.

"I'm sorry, I thought I was on an adventure with my best friend the brave Gryffindor, not Ron." Fred smirked and you couldn't help but laugh. You walked over and pet the caged lemur as well, your back barely brushed against Fred's chest while you blushed, saying,

"I'm nothing like Ron,"

"Of course not," he nodded then looked down at you, his long ginger locks getting in his face earning a small chuckle from you. You gently tucked a strand behind his ear, his eyes locking with yours as you both started to lean towards each other, slowly.

"There you are! Angelina has her broom and is ready to-oh!" George stopped talking when he saw you and Fred, then he smirked while folding his arms, "Am I interrupting?"

"No!" You and Fred said quickly, both blushing beet red.

"Then what're you waiting for? Come on, Fred!" George encouraged, walking out of the room. Knowing he had to go and case chaos with his twin, Fred gave you a little peck on the cheek then ran out to catch up with his brother, leaving you with a goofy grin on your face.

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